Monday, September 27, 2010

My life has been a poor attempt, to imitate the man. Oh I'm just a living legacy, to the leader of the band

Okay Friday was so so. Got back our Chem MCQ papers during lesson. Got 25/40, not fantastic, but it's quite a big achievement for me. Mrs Chiew suanned me until damn funny. She saw my score than she was like 'Wah Bryan Tan you got 25/40! That's a very good score for you! Above class average somemore!' LOL. Got quite a few careless mistakes and a few tyco questions. Nonetheless, it's an improvement! Hopefully my paper 3 won't die so badly then I can scrape a C or something. Lectures were well okay. Couldn't do the Physics questions -.- The break was spent on Monopoly Deal LOL! Did work in the afternoon. Stayed back till like 10 plus with Zikai, haven't talked to that joker for damn long. Jackson and Garry must study hor! Talk so much lol. Saturday, had Chem tuition. Jon kept indirectly suanning me -_- Met Emily, Jing Han, Song Ko and Monica at Everything With Fries at Orchard Central. In the end only Emily and Jing Han were left. Our Honey outing fail haha. Played Monopoly Deal there for a few hours. After that met the guys for dinner. Decided to go to Seoul Garden in the end. Greg, Eugene, Boon Siang, Jon, Leon and Wai Yinn. Had fun cooking and Eugene got jacked again by the drink trick xD Last time also tio at Sakura, poor guy lol. Played a bit of Lan after that. And I think our cooking skills damn fail man, had a really bad stomache at night -.-

Today, kena scammed cause I was told that tuition was at 11am initially but last minute I was told it was at 7pm, when I already reached Bishan -.- Went to Mos at J8 to do some work cause the library was freaking crowded zzz.. Went for lunch with family and Robert, Matthew, Auntie Betty and Uncle Kim at this chicken rice place in Toa Payoh, they were on vacation visiting (: Awesome lunch and dessert. Then went to look at our house that's under renovation. It looks more complete now, can make out how it's going to be like once we move back. Something else to look forward to after A's I guess (: Came home and burned out for some reason, woke up for tuition with a headache -.- Tuition lasted 2.5 hours, a lot of work to do for physics man. Had dinner with Jacob then home.

Damn, wasn't a very productive weekend for me. Shall make the coming week more effective! Though I realise some problems. One I'm always tired (Reason might be quite obvious I think), my brain seems to stall and lag quite a bit and I take some time to register things (Might be linked), and I think my vision's getting worse :/ Sucks. Hopefully it's temporary only. Hope my sleep can be restful in the first place -.- Shouldn't keep dreaming about things related to studies, or stuff that gives me nightmares -.-

I think there's a lot of things I can learn from my Dad. Some stuff happened last week I think when my dad was having a conversation with my neighbour about some of the construction stuff. Background knowledge, I'm not on good terms with those people. Long story. Whatever the case, my dad actually got quite pissed over the phone, which is a very rare thing indeed. In short, I guess there's a lot to learn from him, in terms of character, intellect, situational awareness and handling. And of course, how he really cares for my mum and stuff. Like most couples, they had their rough periods too, back then when I was much younger. Definitely traumatising as a kid. Whatever the case, they've never been better with each other. I guess we all know that caring for the people you love involves willing sacrifices in some ways, even the simplest ones are worth it right? I believe that there's much more about my dad that I've yet to discover. Okay touching a bit on my family stuff. Hope I can be like him one day

On one note, I'm starting to discover a lot of new songs and stuff. Bullet For My Valentine and Lostprophets seem quite good. Starting to like some of their songs. Shall listen to more of them. Need recommendation for bands or singers! And it's pretty interesting how you can combine certain lyrics to find different meanings. Yeah they're just words I know, but it just seems to interesting for some things. It's pretty interesting to express your feelings and thoughts through lyrics too, cause they're probably the best expressions for that current situation too

This song is probably appropriate for stuff mentioned earlier. First heard it in Sec 1 during 'Literary Expressions' class lol. FYI it's supposedly Lit combined with English. Wonderful song (:

Leader Of The Band -- Dan Fogelberg

An only child, alone and wild
A cabinet maker's son
His hands were meant for different work
And his heart was known to none

He left his home and went his lone
And solitary way
And he gave to me a gift I know
I never can repay

A quiet man of music
Denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
But his music wouldn't wait

He earned his love through discipline
A thundering, velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
Took me years to understand

The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growin' old
But his blood runs through my instrument
And his song is in my soul

My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
Oh, I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band

My brothers' lives were different
For they heard another call
One went to Chicago
And the other to St. Paul

And I'm in Colorado
When I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chose
And come to know so well

I thank you for the music
And your stories of the roadI
thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go
I thank you for your kindness
And the times when you got tough
And Papa, I don't think I said"I love you" near enough

The leader of the band is tired
And his eyes are growin' old
But his blood runs through my instrument
And his song is in my soul

My life has been a poor attempt
To imitate the man
Oh, I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band

I am a living legacy
To the leader of the band


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail