Monday, August 30, 2010

Some say this can't be real and I've lost my power to feel, tonight

Okay study day today. Woke up with a headache again -.- Went to school then did Physics the whole day. Most irritating part is that I got stuck at some EMI question for freaking long, and discussed with quite a few people UNTIL we realised all I forgot to do was to resolve the third force into it's components to add on to the respective magnitudes and stuff as well. Idiot man -.- No time for econs liao zzz... Econs tuition was okay I guess.

My body is starting act weirdly. Just now felt hot for a while, then cold then hot again -.- Everyday is also a drag cause I wake up as though I hardly slept every single time zzzz. Sian hope I won't fall sick.. I realised the importance of your mind being fresh and stuff today. Whatever I seem to have absorbed and read seems to diffuse out somewhere.. And it sucks when you do a question wrongly and you realise your mistake was not reading the question properly -.- It's now a moral dilemma on whether to visit CHS tomorrow, owing to the desperation of the situation at the moment

And so the battle rages on. At this point of time our advances are hindered by our own incapabilities. A strike now could possibly mean annihilation

And so something similar got me wondering.. Why??

I'm going crazy already. Insanity's catching up :/ Back to Physics


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail