Friday, July 09, 2010

Words of the past, whisper their meaning to the present

I think today's post will be a short one. Chem mcq 11/20 wth. Thought I could do better than that. At the very least I'm grateful Mrs Chew said that she thought I could do much better as well. At least people haven't given up on me. Had a little bit of motivation to want to improve. Hope it can last. I remembered something my form teacher Mr Thomas gave me back in Sec 4. I think it might have been for chinese new year or something. Each person had this little slip of paper with a quote he found. Mine read:

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work -- Sarah Bolton

Simple phrase, but a lot of meaning. Never really appreciated the message then, but I do now. Let's start bit by bit shall we? Tuition's very irritating by the way. Changed back to 10am tomorrow -.- Oh well, shall go for Homecoming straight after that I guess. Side note, the coordination of my fingers sucks now. Kept screwing up when I was playing piano just now -.- It's been a while since proper practice I guess lol. And I realise my recent cranky mood (a bit) is probably due to this stupid flu-like stuff. Nose keeps getting blocked -.- Need to faster recover!!

Skipped a beat, get a little nervous, but spirits are lifted, lightening the mood. That's what happens. Quite a sad song, it's like a whole story put together. Quite an interesting song

The Day I Died -- Just Jack

Drag myself from my bed, around twenty past six,
get my kids up, make breakfast, one egg, two toast, three weetabix,
and as i sit down, i look up,
and your standing in the door way sunning your back,
in my old brown dressingown,
well no one could love you more than i love you now.
but i, gotta go, running for the bus, cold flying,
and im trying not to miss it this time, but the drivers waiting,
and thats strange, kids on the top deck quiet for a change,
and there's, no rain or roadworks in the, bus lane,
and all my hurts run away,
and i'm smiling as im punching in,

the day i died was the best day of my life,
the day i died was the best day of my life,
tell my friends and my kids and my wife that everything will be alright,
the day i died was the best day of my life,

secreteries, they gotta smile for me,
and the intray on my desk almost empty,
i get a memo from exeutive joe saying rob, the gob,
is getting kicked out for imbezziling funds from the company account,
and i'd be lying if i said i wasn't chuffed cuz i've always hated rob,
and now they'll probablly offer me robs old job,
and in the park at lunch, there's no one im on my favorite bench,
not even that drunk chap or any of that greasy stench,
and the scrawny little pigoens with the gammy legs,
decide to dive for someone elses sandwichs instead,
and there's something about this city today,
like all the colours conspire to overwelm the gray,
and it's close to the fire i can feel no cold,
with a rainbow, halo, around my soul,

the day i died was the best day of my life,
the day i died was the best day of my life,
tell my friends and my kids and my wife that everything will be alright,
the day i died was the best day of my life,
so i leave work, get to the highstreet and i miss my bus,
shall i wait for another no i cant be asked, i begin to walk,
a rush hour crowd seem to part like the red sea,
and im stopping a the offie, twenty cigerites and a six pack to relax me,
and as i cross back over the street, i guess i never saw that taxi,

the day i died was the best day of my life,
the day i died was the best day of my life,
tell my friends and my kids and my wife that everything will be alright,
the day i died was the best day of my life.


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail