Friday, June 18, 2010

Okay time to update this place again. Last Sat didn't do much, mainly library with Wei Shian in the afternoon. Sunday, went for some tea thingy with my mum and brother, followed by library with Jon and dinner. Somehow we ended up talking about life and stuff again. Got a bit agitated with some of the things we discussed. Guess that's where the frustration started :/ Monday wasn't a good day either. Woke up late, rushed to tuition, which dragged and made me miss most of Monday's training -.- Overtime like siao, not that tuition is bad, but yah seriously. Mad rush down and played for like 20 mins -.- Tuesday was handover! Woke up and found that it was pouring o.o Headed to school then couldn't really carry out our plans but somehow it pulled through. Played water bombs, had quite a lot of fun getting people soaked lol. Somehow, the game turned into soccer which was quite fun too. Handed over in LT2. Congrats to the new exco! Lead the team well guys! Lunch at Penang Kitchen with Yong Le, Warren, Joanne, Amelia, Yuxian and Kimberly. Went to catch The A-Team with the juniors after that. Awesome show! Alpha Mike Foxtrot! LOL! Wednesday had training again. Pretty interesting drills taught and stuff. Dinner and then home.

Today was another bad day with another mad rush -.- Had tuition in the morning, last minute told us they were extending the lesson cause Thermal was quite long.. Rushed home, then went to meet some of the OG people at Seoul Garden. Turned out only a few people went lol. Oh well, sorry had to rush off like that guys ): Went to meet some of the floorballers for singing karoke lol. Quite fun. After that was formal dinner! Was starving by the time we got there. Had fun cooking (: Got splattered on my face by the oil -.- Hurts a bit up to now zzz. The ice cream part was also quite fun to make lol. Went to talk a bit at some place then we went home. Quite fun still haha

Anyway, this few days were kind of bad in a way. Dunno why just have been a bit unstable this few days. Started from Sunday when I was discussing stuff with Jon. Got frustrated with so many things :/ Thanks for talking to me on the phone man. Then had quite a bit of difficulty trying to prepare stuff for Tues. Anyway saw Miss Wong's speech via email. And yeah for the very first time. Thanks so much Miss Wong! It feels nice to be appreciated once in a while (: I almost cried when I saw it.. Was feeling really really sad on Tuesday cause the fact that it was officialy my last day made me feel down, plus the fact that right till the very last day, I couldn't get the team to participate enthusiastically in stuff. So sorry if I was looking sian that day :/ Still, thanks so much to the junior guys for being very sporting and creating fun for everyone, thank you (: Rushed so much these few days. Felt like crap. I was too scared by the past, I was too held back in some things, I didn't dare to do a lot. And I think I sacrificed too much that I lost so many things. I'm so sorry if I did something wrong ): Please tell me if there's something wrong, I really want to make things right ): I'll do what I can to change what has to be changed. Went to random and started reading some posts on LoveGivesMeHope and stuff along that line on Tuesday night. Was in some sad mood and started tearing at some of the stories that really touched me :/ Random stuff. Argh, my left wrist hurts like crap now. Think I really sprained it already from all the trainings. Last week it already hurt a bit, I guess now it became worse ): Life knocks us down so many times, but I'm starting to get scared of standing back up again ): Argh I think stress and these sucky moods are starting to make me crazy :/ Am I thinking too much? Can things just go in the right direction and turn out positively for once? ):

Once again, I hope I can sleep this off. Need to recover my lost sleep from the irregular sleeping patterns anyway. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day ):

Just don't give up, I'm working it out. Please don't give in, I won't let you down. It messed me up, need a second to breathe, just keep coming around. Hey


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail