Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back from Tekong! Okay actually was back on Monday but was too lazy/tired to blog and stuff. It's been 2 long weeks away from home. First feeling when we get off the bus onto Pasir Ris Mrt was like OMG FREEDOM! Everyone was damn high, as though we POP-ed already lol. So these two weeksin Tekong, did quite a number of things. Got the chance to do the live firing during the weapons demo. Had 4km and 6km route marches with a bloody 20kg field pack. Had lots of other stuff but lazy to say

These two weeks taught me a few things. For one it made me appreciate the stuff I had at home much more (duh). Like washing clothes for example. Washing with just a bucket and detergent well, doesn't clean it that well, but at least it helps. Saw the different styles of teaching/delivering of things, and how different people react to various situations again. Guess this helps you reflect upon your own style, and how it can be improved and stuff. Booking back in in a few hours. Field camp is next week (wtf), as well as the dreaded results day... Lazy to talk about some things now.

One year.. This time showed me something that should have been taken into account like hell long ago. Shouldn't waste time and energy anymore right? Do inform me if there's still space left thanks. At least it becomes clearer now, who does and who doesn't

So which direction to take? To try for command school? Or not? Let's see if the path becomes clearer soon

Some army songs damn nice lol

In the early morning march, with a backpack on my back. With the aching of my heart, and my shirt is full of sweat. And the cold wind blows, let the cold win blow. I know I know, you have to go, so hurry back home, cause I miss you so

Left toe, right toe keep up the tempo! Here we go again, same old thing again....

Till we meet again


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail