Sunday, July 19, 2009

PT in the morning on Thursday. New record for 2.4km as well. 10.06 (: Yay. Maths lecture, got caught sleeping by Mr Tan and he like called out my name... =/ Embarrassing man lol. Got back Chem. Unbelievable. Go figure lol. Got back Chinese as well. Dreadful, could have done much better zzz... Find that the Chinese paper is structured in a so called high risk, high return style. Heavy weightage on some questions. Like some mcq questions can have a weightage of 4 marks? Zzz. Need to improve. Wanted to do work after school. Ended up talking to people like Joshua Goh and Nigel. Talked with Joy for a while as well. Talked to Nigel again at the field lol. Thanks for hearing me out Nigel, hope your things can be settled asap too. Don't think too much. Took bus with KB. To Rui Qi, we must not get Unbelievable results for Chem again hor!

Friday, got back Maths. Got a B. Not bad I guess. Somehow, managed to stay awake through BOTH Chem and Physics lectures. Credits to Sarah? HAHA. Somehow Physics sounds so much simpler when the teacher explains it, but it's always so diffcult when you face the questions lol. Ah well... PW lecture, our class was like half playing a fool at times, with graffitti and random photos lol. Training, did some drills plus games. Everyone's improving a lot, it's getting tougher to play cause the ball's always getting snatched away. That's good, everyone's standard has increased (: Chionged down to J8 after training to meet Wen Qi, Rena and Desmond sir for dinner. Met Hilary, Van Ho, Bessy and Jeremy Chia there... Over the meal, discussed whatever was discussed. Went to some playground near Wen Qi's house and continued our chat for a while. Thanks for the ride home Desmond sir. Hope it's finally over.

Spent half my weekend sleeping, yet I still feel tired -.- Campfire proposal took a really long time to do (we started late). Finally finished it just now. Chionging overdue homework. Things to do: Maths, Chinese, Chemistry, EOM (which is due tmrw for first draft and I don't have anything wth), floorball stuff etc. Crap. I've a lot of stuff to do dammit.

Lately, my emotions seemt to be getting the better of me. Often, our judgement on things is clouded by our own emotions. Being impartial is something I kind of need to do at times. Can't let my emotions twist my perspective on things. When I get caught up with my emotions sometimes, I start to become damn kp, gl and end up in a screwed up mood. Did that a few times this week and undoubtly I would have affected my friends here and there. Sorry guys. Stop this. And I suck as a captain sometimes seriously. Sian, EOM... Don't even understand what in the world I'm supposed to do seriously.

Ah well, another new week. Time to straighten things out and get back on track. I look forward to seeing my friends haha (:

If I could be clear of this, and be able to voice it out.

Forgive my broken promise that you'll never see me cry. I won't do it again.

Song of the day: Dark Blue -- Jacks Mannequin

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Think I might be able to generate interest in Econs with Mr Tan. Sounds interesting, thouhg he does go one big round to teach a concept sometimes lol. GP, while we were walking to the classroom, Joy like came up to the bunch of us and said "You are late for GP!" Damn funny haha. Nothing much for the rest of the lessons for Monday. Got chided by Chem teacher for not doing homework. Zzzz... PW was a waste of time. Chinese oral prac after school. Apparently, there was a certain typo in my previous post that was potentially misleading. Thanks Pris for pointing it out for me lol. If not who knows what will happen sia. Thanks Gareth for lending me his com haha.

Tuesday, PE Mr Sham taught us basketball. Injured my little finger a little... Zzz... Nadiah apparently sprained her back or something. Take care man. Had oral prac again during break. Chem lecture, slept through the damn thing wth. Last week slept through Physics, this week Chem?! Zzz. Wake up your idea. During lecture You'en went like "let's sit in the centre so we won't sleep" Ended up all of us slept -.- Left after Chem lecture for oral. Bunch of us had like our power drink first lol. Chinese oral. Passage was like damn hard to read. My reading could have been much much better. Argh. Conversation, topic was totally unexpected. It was regarding our opinions on the new intake system for JCs (Single intake compared to 2 in the past) Crap man! had some points but couldn't express them properly. Zzzz... Screwed up. Then I heard that I got E for Physics, bottom of the class. Smart. Fb training after that. Horrible performance during stickwork. Some guys from Daryl's class tried out floorball. Yi Jun and Kian Ann if I'm not wrong. Hope they join floorball haha. Took a shot to the crotch during training as well. Direct hit from Dylan lol. Super painful. Ouch.

Nothing much today. Chinese lesson, ended up sleeping for some parts again wtf. Need to stop this seriously. Went for CIP (after such a long time). Quite fun lah teaching the kid lol. Apparently, no one from our class went for the SPA briefing. Smart. Met Chester at Islang Cremery to discuss the campfire proposal, then went next door to meet the rest for dinner haha.

Need to wake up seriously, need to start pushing myself. My results are the wake up call, like seriously. I know I've only gotten back one result so far, but being the bottom of the class sucks, big time. Well, one reason to do well is to well do well, another for me personally is that I don't want people to like look down on me and stuff. Yah I know I'm being very ai mian zi and stuff, but I just don't want my classmates to get the wrong impression of me, seeing that I'm like the joker who keeps slacking off, doesn't do work and only knows how to make noise. Dunno lah, maybe it's another character flaw of mine that I'm particular about the impression I give to others. Rock bottom. Congratulations loser. Got a lot of stuff to do, need to discipline myself and force myself to do work. Also, I MUST STOP sleeping during lessons! WTH! Wake up Bryan! Anyway, received info on something just now. Kind of shaken by the news. Guess what I heard on the radio was true. Only when stuff happens to someone who has a direct link or something to you will you then feel the magnitude of the situation itself. Why did it happen? I really really pray for him to recover soon. Somehow this week is becoming some sort of emotional roller coaster for me. So many things happening, so many thoughts occurring. I would like to elaborate more on some, but I need to get some homework done though =/ Traumatised, shaken, maybe that's what can be used to describe my feelings just now. To add on with other things, uncertainty, confusion, frustration, dilemma etc etc. Haiz, maybe I'm just pressurising myself too much for some parts.

I need to be strong and push myself on. Don't let hardships get the best of you.

Happy Belated Birthday Reginald!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ok, Friday, lessons as per usual. Chem prac was turned into tutorial, which was disastrous for me since I didn't do Energectics -.- Stayed awake during Chem lecture, but totally slept through almost the entire lecture for Physics... Zzzz... Chinese lecture, ended up doing differentiation with Joshua Tan =x Stoned during GC as Mr Chong was meeting up with the small groups for his "get to know the students better" sessions. Didn't understand what the heck was being said in PW lecture. After school, had training! Stickwork, one drill then games. No goals on Friday ): Hat trick for Daryl sia haha. Need to work on my skills more, especially passing, positioning and executing of shots. People kept checking me when I was about to shoot o.0 Went to meet the A4 people, though by the time I arrived at The Prata House, everyone had already finished eating lol. The bunch of us headed to Icekimo after that, my dinner was the waffle with ice cream haha. Talked a bit, then followed Wen Qi, Rena, Eugene, Chee Wee, Kian How and Raymond to some kbox outlet at AMK. Stayed for a while then headed home. Went to Eugene's house after that. Apparently I missed out some of the fun ): Oh well, stoned quite a bit at Eugene's room. Couldn't go out to buy stuff lol. Ended up sleeping earlier than I wanted though =/ Morning, woke up then talked cock. Lunch was pizza, Eugene's parents treated us. Thank you Auntie and Uncle! Leon, Eugene and I went out to buy more drinks at J8. Saw Mr Thomas! After lunch, all of us left. Think Wai Yinn, Eugene and Leon ended up watching a movie lol.

Went over to Marina Square to meet the floorballers. Not too many went though haha. Played bowling first. Pretty entertaining session. Haha. Watched Ice Age 3 after that. The show's damn funny! The trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince looks damn cool! Have the urge to watch the movie haha. Went to the arcade after that. Another entertaining session, with some of the most retarded of games. Laughing all the way man lol. Jerrell, Joanne, Shaun and Warren had dinner at Marina Square while Sean, Eugene and I left. Went down to Kembangan. Dad picked me up to go to Auntie Ivy's house. This dinner party was a gathering for the Taiwan friends. To make a long story short, these people (plus many others) were those whom we met (they're all Singaporean by the way) when we were staying in Taiwan way back like 10+ years ago lol. Met Samuel and Howard, saw them over these few years so no awkwardness lol. Most of the adults look the same. Then met Genevieve! One person whom I've not met in 13 years (according to her). She's changed A LOT. Wow. Currently in TJ, and suffering the same fate of having to take H1 Chinese this year haha. All the best for your oral tomorrow! (: Pretty cool how some friendships have lasted so long, in this case is for the adults mainly, was too young to remember anything from back then, or maybe I just forgot =/ Cause apparently Genevieve can remember a lot of stuff quite clearly. Gosh. And this is to the extent that she can remember even the layout of MY house. 0.0 Leaky memory for me man haha. Oh well, nice seeing her again (: Too bad her brother Christopher was ill and unable to go. Today, besides my grandparents' house for lunch, stayed at home the whole day, trying to rush overdue homework.... Zzzz....

This week was kind of like wasted. Spent nearly all my lessons stoning, or paying attention and forgetting everything after that. At home, stoned practically every night wth. Need to wake up my idea man. Haven't gotten back any common test papers yet, but they're definitely not satisfactory. Promos are just like less than a term away, which gives me less than 10 weeks. o.0 Wake up Bryan, you don't want to get retained (No effing way please -.-) And yeah, I really need to change and discipline myself as a person. One simple example, this year I seem to always be late for meet ups and stuff, like Friday (and many others). Sorry Wen Qi (since she was the one who asked me to go) for being late, again. =/ Sorry to everyone else for my multiple late-comings. At the same time, I would also like to apologize to all my friends, for being ignorant, insensitive and a total ass many a times. I'm becoming a really horrible person sometimes. Need to change. Sorry everyone. This week, I also seemed to become very irritated and started flaring up easily. Sorry if you were on the receiving end. I need to control my emotions more. Well, there are two aspects for this. I'm trying not to let my emotions get in my way, cause my friendship with one of my friends has already been strained because I let my emotions get the better of me, and did what I did. Could we just go back to at least speaking terms? I'm a little scared to let myself do what is usually deemed as the "natural thing" for some aspects. Oh well. Maybe I'm just a confused little kid lol. Somehow this last bit really doesn't sound like my typing though o.0 Emotions cloud your judgement some times, yeah quite true, at times.

Haven't done a lot of homework yet. Need to chiong this few days. To add on, I still have a few proposals/admin to do for floorball and NPCC. To further add on, I have A Level Chinese Oral exam on Tuesday, which I have not prepared for. Woo, totally screwed man. Putting al this crap aside, there are people who help me to look forward to things, both in and out of NJ. Motivation? Haha. Hope this week will be a more productive week, well I better make it so. And I got influenced by Wen Qi already. I'm now looking forward to Fridays a lot haha.

Happy Birthday Yong Sheng!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates and stuff. Last week of school hols, somehow managed to study a bit. Wednesday, met Kah Hoe at J8, had lunch then we wanted to go to Bishan library to study, met Warren, Jia Yong and Shu Yi there. No space, then decided to go to CHS. Kah Hoe pang me ): Wei Shian joined us. Did some studying plus talking with Christopher and Sai Leong (who were in CHS studying) Warren and gang went to watch Transformers haha. Stayed till about 6 plus. Met Wai Yinn, Kenneth Tan and Caleb in CHS also. Went to Ajisen Ramen at J8 for dinner with those bunch of people. Saw Eugene's mum, Ben and Sharmaine haha. Eugene actually thought it was Ben talking when his mum gave me the phone (he apparently called from aussie). Had fun talking to Sai Leong after such a long time also (: Thursday, asked Zi Kai to force me to wake up and go to school and study with him. Did some work, had maths consultation with Mr Tan which did help quite a bit. Thanks Mr Tan. Went to watch a movie with Wen Qi, Rena and Kian How after that. They ended up persuading me to watch Drag Me to Hell since they couldn't get seats for Ghost of Girlfriend's Past. In the end, no seats for that as well lol. In the end, watched Threads of Destiny haha. Quite a nice movie I must say, super cool for a narrative story. Ending was damn jack though, no happy ending haha, quoted as "to be continued" lol. Friday was the same thing. Not as late this time =P Did work till lunch. After that went down to amk to meet Wen Qi, Rena, Priscilla and Kian How. Prepared for aar. Evening had agm. AAR proceeded, won't bother to comment once again. Official meeting ended at about 11 plus. Then some talking and discussion about some things till like 1 plus? We went to the AMK Macs for some food. Ended up going home at 3am 0.0 Thanks Siming sir for the ride. Saturday, met Jerrell and Eugene at J8. Late again cause I woke up late =/ Sorry guys. Went to Mos Burger to eat lunch and studied there after that. Jonathan joined us. Kept dozing off every now and then =/ Sunday, stoned at home and attempted to study I think.

Common Test week last week. Started off with Econs. Hopefully I'll be able to do better than before. Didn't manage to finish my second essay though... GP, 3 whole hours at the classroom including the change of the papers. I stupidly went to balance my essay when we're not supposed to for this test (if I'm not wrong) Argh! Compre was ok. Tuesday was Maths, so many careless mistakes.... Sian... No comments for Chinese listening. Wednesday had Chemistry. Chate chem now seriously. First reaction after the paper was Wtf! Hardly had any time for the mcq, paper 2 was hard, for me at least. Arghh!! Need to improve man, like seriously. Thursday was Chinese, did so so I guess? Friday was Physics! Think I'll be able to do better than last time I think. After that, end of CTs!! Went to play floorball, like just play around and stuff. Super fun, after not touching the stick for what 2 weeks? Met the usual gang at Icekimo, then went to amk for AGM. ATC meeting carried out by the coordinators. Took up campfire with Chester. After that, went to stone at S11 with Terence, Xiang Jun, Chester and Jun Wei. Ended up walking home from amk central haha. Left at 12:30am, reached home at 1am. Better than Terence, who reached home at like what 2am or something lol. Saturday, woke up in the afternoon -.- Evening, went to have dinner at Sakura with Eugene, Wai Yinn, Alvin, Jeffrey and Caleb. Damn fun talking cock and spamming food haha. Sunday did nothing. Monday, went to school to help out in the investiture rehearsal with Sarah and Nigel. Student helpers lol. Lunch at KAP macs after that. Tuesday, actual investiture for the councillors. Helped out, quite fun in a certain sense I think lol. Congratulations to all my friends in council for officially getting inducted! (: Managed to be excused from lessons till our 1.5 hour break =P Lectures and tutorials after that. PW was seriously a waste of time, half the lesson was about someone's Bali trip -.- Played floorball after school! Fun! Wednesday had lessons again. There was some career fair thingy as well. No idea what I would like to do in the future still though =/ Played floorball again lol. Had morning pt today, after like 2 weeks without it. Deproved =/ Need to train up more! Crazy Chem consolidation lecture at like 4:30pm today -.- Thankfully Mr Wee was the lecturer, he made it quite entertaining haha.

Everything ended with the aar 2 fridays ago. I learnt quite a fair bit. I guess it's experiences like this that makes some things that we go through worthwhile. More importantly, that day was important, cause I finally got what had been bugging me for ages off my chest. I believe my partners managed to get most of their worries/frustrations off as well. Really appreciate Siming sir, Theresa ma'am and Tian Ming sir for hearing us out. Felt very much lighter, at least just speaking out whatever we wanted to say. Won't really care what happens next. Thanks so much again to the officers. Thanks Wen Qi and Rena again for being there with me. Let nothing like this happen again in A4.

Thought about some of my actions and myself as a person. There are times when I perhaps chide people for stuff, or dislike them for something or what, then I realise, I tend to commit them myself. Unknowingly, I let some of the things I hated become a part of me. Ok, maybe hate might be a strong word. Nonetheless, doesn't that make me a hypocrite? Ironically, another thing that I don't like. Am I turning into this horrible person? Am I becoming those kind of total idiots who only can make noise and do nothing? An empty vessel? I can't do anything for nuts, I don't have any skills whatsoever. There's just so much I'm just lacking in. No idea how I ended up linking to this. But yeah, this is probably some of the stuff in my mind. Am I meeting up to expectations? Am I even trying? Also, being in the middle isn't very nice. I'm so sorry to have to put you through this. It must be hard making you view the scene as a bystander. Half of me wants to put a stop to it, half of me doesn't. Then again, should I be taking the initiative? Or would it be misunderstood? I just don't know. They say once bitten, twice shy. Pretty true, I'm a little apprehensive about doing anything now. A few incidents this year made me think more about it. Won't show anything now. Let time tell? Don't want to assume some things and look like an idiot later. Ah well, enough ranting.

Happy Belated Birthday Jonathan! (28th June)
Happy Belated Birthday Joy! (28th June)
Happy Belated Birthday Pan Shin! (30th June)
Happy Belated Birthday Wai Yinn! (6th July)

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail