Monday, December 22, 2008

Ok, this post will be for the investiture... Woke up late in the morning, couldn't meet the rest, but ended up reaching HTA earlier then the rest, cause my Dad sent me over... Haha... Went in, changed into half u, ended up nearly the while Charlie squad was late together... =x Some admin stuff was settled first... Got the letter of recommendation as a CII... Quite surprised by it... Haha... Anyone from Charlie wants to go back next year? After that, put bags in the classroom, then went for rehearsal... Second surprise: won an award, best RC performer for the guys... 0.0 Tio stun... Anyway, went with rehearsal... Lunch was packet food, which was quite nice? Haha... Then I got promoted from being Lillian's maid (called "Maria", I've no idea how this came about) to Lillian's son... Hahaha... After lunch, went back for rehearsal, then went to the classrooms to do up our uniforms... Then it was the actual thing already... There was almost a screw up cause we were putting our head dress in the back room and almost couldn't come out in time... Luckily it was more or less smooth... Ceremony went ahead, presentation or certs, presentation of awards... Kevin was the Valedictorian... Congrats =) Then it was the donning of ranks and recitation of the NP pledge... After that, everyone sort of went crazy... There was a photo frenzy... Everyone started taking photos here and there and the atmosphere was really high... Like what Terence said, the atmosphere was much better than that of SPF badge ceremony that time or NPDP... Charlie's performance was also fun... Guess for the whole event, words can't really describe everything... After the event, debrief, marched to the exit of HTA as a squad for the last time... Took the bus to Lot 1 then went to Macs for supper with Hongliang, Nigel and Lillian... Took one of the last few trains home with Nigel, Lillian and some of our instructors...
Reflection of the course... As mentioned in an earlier post, I was having serious doubts on whether I should have come for the course in the first place... I'm really glad that I made the right choice to continue with the whole journey... I made some very close friends, I learned a lot of stuff, in NPCC context, as well as general stuff, such as lifeskills and all that... For this course, I took on a sort of different persona, I was (most of the time) a very happy guy, smiling and joking here and there, quite opposite of what I was in the past, serious, always frowning... No idea why I wanted to be like that, cause obviously, I was very much happier during this period, despite the tough trainings... In RC1, the instructors asked us to write our goals on the whiteboard... I put "to be a better person"... Have I achieved this? Well, I think more or less I've managed to almost reach it... I've learned how to communicate effectively with my peers, I've learned what it means to be a leader, I've seen different leadership style, different personalities, different reactions to situations... I know what I like and don't like, what people like and don't like (and all these different styles are in a way, the right thing to do, just different approach)... I'll do my best to integrate all these positive leadership styles into my own and do well as a leader... Oh well... All these times spent during the course will now be just memories... Cherish them, I will, remember them always, I shall... Haha Yoda-ish language... Guess stuff like this is better off said rather than typed... I'll make other changes to the post if I need to I guess... I'm starting to forget stuff again...

Anyway yesterday, met up with Nigel and Lillian for lunch at the 628 food centre there... We met Jeffrey, an Area 3 CI whom I just met... After that, went to AMK library to borrow some books, which were mostly comics (I'm not a mugger ok, Lillian)... Then went to Nigel's house for a while... Thanks for lending me the Ironman and X-Men 3 CDs! Can watch liao... Yay... =)

Here's some pics of investiture... Haven't included those from Cumaran's friend yet... Rest are on Facebook anyway, most of them that is...


Area 4

Group Dragon! Most of us anyway...

Charlie after performance

Charlie with officers, like half of the pic... Haha...

Award winners

Ok, just to show a few... Bye people... Will miss Charlie!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail