Monday, December 08, 2008

Hi all... About 1/3 of my journey is over... Before RC1 I was having serious doubts about the course... After some help from some people, I decided to just go ahead with it anyway... Conclusion? In a sense, I don't really regret joining... For one, I'm kind of blessed to be in Charlie squad... The people in Charlie rock.... Most of us can click quite well with one another... So far, so good I guess... Most of my bunkmates are ok too... So yeah... Trainings have been tiring... Lot's of info to absorb... Of course, everything's not just drills and campcraft... The lifeskills learnt there have also been useful... First day of the course for dunno what reason tio squad i/c... Didn't know what to do or what to expect as I had missed the course briefing, so well, blur king I guess... Guess I did screw up my role a bit... Haha... My squad instructors are also great people... Hao Jun sir and Zhuang Yi ma'am... They might have been harsh at times, but they still care... =) Somehow the world is a bit small huh... Like one of my squadmate's brother turns out to be my senior... Haha...

Saturday went for our NRC at Ubin... Did tent pitching, flagstaff and water confidence jump... Pretty fun I guess... The water confidence jump thing was part of some course for us... The sensation was pretty cool... After jumping, as most people have described, there'll be like a "why haven't reach yet?" feeling... Next thing you know, splash! Of course, not forgetting the very salty sea water... Camp recee, went running around some places in Noordin camp... After that, gather back, settle stuff, then left Ubin... Honestly, one day I should go to Ubin just for fun... Cause everytime I've been there it's always for some NP reason... Haha... Before dismissal we were told to do more lesson plans for our assessments... Crap lah... The explanation of the thing wasn't exactly very comprehendable either... Ah well... Later must chiong finish everything... Went to eat dinner with members of Charlie squad, then took 59 with Terence, Hong Liang, Wei Liang, Nicholas, Sylvia and Panshin... Like what Joseph Lim said to me before, if you've people to talk to, a 1 hour long bus ride can seem like 20 minutes... Very true indeed... Haha...

As for yesterday, spent the day lazing around, playing the PS2 that we borrowed... Finally managed to get DW4 from my cousin... Yay... For some reason, my body system seems to be a little screwed up at the moment... Can't seem to eat much, can't seem to sleep well enough... I still feel lethargic even after like a 8 hour sleep? Oh well... After the 20th then go and slowly recover bah... For now, endure!

Right now, maybe because I haven't really seen anyone since my trip, I'm starting to miss 4-10 people, 29th Batch, other CHS people, of course not forgetting CHS itself... Arrrghhh.... These are going to be under my "To-do" list for after the 20th... Don't think any Charlie-ians know of this blog yet, with the exception of Terence (Lim)... Haha... Oh well... See who can discover this site first... =D And I swear Terence is getting lamer and crapping more and more by the day man... Combine him with other people who are just as lame and we'll have snow in Singapore very soon... Haha...

Ok, better go chiong all my stuff... See you during the weekend people... Sorry I couldn't join you guys today Jonathan and Eugene... Lastly, D'08 Charlie rocks!

Happy Birthday Alvin!!! =)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail