Monday, December 22, 2008

Ok, I haven't really updated in a long time... Guess I'll first talk about RC2 and ATC... RC2, started off with the classification shoot... We used .38 revolvers... More or less the same as .22 except that the recoil was much larger, which kind of hurt my hand a bit... Managed to to get my cluster, except that it was at around the bottom area of the target... Zzz... Estimated score is about 140++ I think? Ok, whatever... Bunch of lectures here and there... First day of RC2 was also Melvin's birthday... Haha... So fun, sing birthday song for him... Then there was also the "night pt" thing for lifeskills lesson, which probably wore everybody out... Still, it was fun... Haha... Arms drill and baton drills were fun... Cane drill and sword drill rocked... Haha... Managed to pass all my CAs and assessments... Yay =) More or less sums up RC2 I guess... Some of the stuff is hard to put in words, and if I were to go into detail, this would take hours to type... Anyway, time spent with Charlie was most important... Haha...

ATC, first day already worn out due to the carrying of the spars from across the campsite... Haha... There was also some blackout in the night... Mock campfire was brought foward as a result... Everyone got high 48 hours before the actual campfire... Haha... Some even started to lose their voices... Haha... Camp fam in the dark was quite cool... Thankfully I had quite a nice place to talk about, which was council ring... Haha... Tent pitching wise, ended up having one peg missing, not sure whether it was found in the end or not... Activities were interesting, rafting, orienteering, land expedition etc etc... Guess knowing the theory for orienteering isn't enough... Got confused when trying to plot our checkpoints... Haha... Rafting was also sort of a first for me, since I didn't get to do it in Sec 3 due to the weather... Pretty fun... Campfire was a blast... I remember Jia Han telling me about how hyped up and fun the course's campfire was... True... Everyone participated and the thing was damn cool... Even Mr Song crapped along with us... Haha... The MCs were damn cool also... Our group act, ended up becoming the narrator... Skit was damn funny... CIT Peirera!! Wonder if Ashwin will ever see this... Haha... Group sharing, we made comments about (almost) everyone on paper... Someone wrote that I was "A fighting machine packed with......" Haha, fighting machine? Make me sound like Xavier lah... XD Most of the comments talked about how I had helped people, motivate, talk a lot etc etc... Shan't say much... Thanks for the comments guys =) Oh yah, before campfire there was the "special dinner", quite cool and some people were together again... =p Last day of ATC, area cleaning... No comments... Charlie people kept leaving halfway cause we needed to present our performance to Mr Song and some others.... Haha... Group sharing again... Learnt quite a bit of stuff... After that, there was the mass gathering thing then the instructors came to give out collar pins for something and also comments... Thanks Zhi Guang sir for the collar pin and comments =) Received quite a few comments from some instructors... Hao Jun sir said that I seemed like a very mature person and should learn to apply what I'm able to see to help others... Hui Ping ma'am said that I seem like a person who thinks a lot and the way I communicate with others is quite good... Joseph sir said that I must remember to apply what I've learnt in future, like in area events etc... Jiamin ma'am talked a bit of what I'd shared during the previous night's debrief... Zhuang Yi ma'am said that I can be more confident in myself... Caine sir asked me whether I was ready to be a CI, then I replied "not sure"... Haha... He asked me whether I want to go run the mass run route again or not... Haha... The comments were more or less like that I think... Anyway, thanks to all the instructors for their comments =)

Finished ATC, went to Changi jetty (at last), got our butts burned for a while, then we went to Changi village to eat... Nigel lost his wallet, then he sian sian over there, thankfully he ate some stuff... Then halfway during the camp he got some deep cut from opening canned food... You should have seen the look on someone's face when he tio cut (it was quite serious at first)... Oh well... Ate stuff, then came home, took a nice long shower... =)

Well, believe it or not, after ATC Charlie went out on our first gathering... Met Lillian and Cumaran then went to Toa Payoh... Ate at Pizza Hut! Haha, we were a damn rowdy lot, but it was tremendous fun!!! Some pics of the night =)

Calvin got owned... Haha...

Dressed alike? Haha
Random shot, Jia Juang, Melvin and half of Samantha? Haha...

Another random shot...

Melvin, Me, Calvin, Hongliang, Cumaran, Jia Juang

Group pic

Group pic again

And again
Me, Ivan, Hongliang, Lillian

This was after RC1, outside HTA... Haha...

C for Charlie!!! =D

Friday also went to visit CHS... Saw BK at the same time... No comments on that... Saw Miss Saras, Mr Quay and Mr Teo... Missed CHS man... Had lunch with Sms then headed home, bumped into Miss Saras on the train...

Guess that's it... Next post will be on investiture....

Happy Belated Birthday Ji Ren!!!
Happy Birthday Xing Yu!!!!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail