Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hey people... Decided to blog... Ok, honestly, I can't really remember everything that happened last week... Oh yah, Tuesday, played soccer for PE!!! Yay, half kampong match with 4-2... Haha... Afternoon, arrived late for tuition... Sorry Jia Yong... Wednesday, nothing much... We did however, have one of our last assemblies in CHS... Some skit which was apparently from the Lord of the Flies... Pretty thought provoking skit... Did Chem paper in the hall in the afternoon... Thursday, another long day... E.Maths test in the afternoon... Went to the library with Jonny I think... Friday, lessons, afternoon had english compre... Then went to library again... Talked to Ben Lee before going... Can't really remember much stuff... Was there anything significant? Perhaps our results slips being handed out... Forgot liao... Zzz...

Saturday, went for tuition from 10:30am to 2:30pm... Some of my tuition classmates were going to watch F1... Haha... Then wanted to go back to school to consult some teachers... When walking to CHS, met Ken, Louis and KB, who told me that the school gate was locked... -_- Sian... Ended up walking around J8 with the 3 of them, talking about random stuff along the way... Ended up going to AMK Hub finally with KB, chatted a bit, bought ice cream and came home... Haha... Sunday, stayed home for lunch... My grandparents went to USA for a holiday... Haha... Wish them a safe trip! Then at about 5+pm, went to the C.C as I had to pass a Yanlin something... Ended up waiting for some time since she ended her tuition class late... Haha... Saw Erin, as well as Alvin.... Ate at the 628 food centre there then came home... Sunday was also F1... Honestly, I'm not very into the races, but I watched a bit of it anyway... Saw Massa and his fuel pump incident... That killed him totally.... Wasted... Congrats to Alonso for his win... Haha...

Yesterday, morning lessons as usual... Lessons throughout the day... Something damn funny happened in Maths... Haha... Afternoon had a physical Geography test... After that went to Bishan library with Eugene and Jonathan... Came home, did compre till I slept... Haha... Didn't even finish the vocab questions... Morning was english again as usual... Second last PE lesson in CHS today... Soccer again with 4-2... Hiong match... Jun Xiang scored the winning goal... Haha... Beier kicked the ball, Greg, who was the keeper, deflected it and Jun Xiang kicked it in... Woohoo! Practically half the team taupoked him... Haha... So fun... Gave up recess to do the compo I owed Miss Chan, obviously I didn't managed to finish it... Physics paper was so so... Late for tuition again... Sorry Jia Yong and Miss Chan... Saw Lingli's essay and I was "Wow..." My essays seemed like complete nonsense when I read hers... It was damn nice!!! I want to write like that too! She got to see some of the races too... Wow... Came back home after that...

Well, since it's getting late and I'm pretty exhausted, I shall push my ranting till tomorrow's post... Hopefully I'll blog tomorrow...

Anyway, just to post a few interesting things...

Stunning huh? This was yesterday mind you...

This was today.... With the addition of the "we believe you can do it" thing... How fun...

Hope to do humanities and English tomorrow... Bye people

Monday, September 22, 2008

Back again... Last Thursday, err, checked scripts again I guess... Both good and bad news? Haha... At the end of the day, went to Bishan Library with Jonathan, ate some brownie thingy before we left... Friday was again script check... However, morning did some compre first... Didn't take back any paper during the time alotted for Elect as Mrs Tang had not finished marking the papers yet.... So went to eat/chat with the class's Lit people... Then we went to check Geog... Horrendous... Zzz... Then for Bio, I pulled off a freakin miracle man!!! After we were dismissed, went to Bishan North to eat with Ken, Terence, Jun Wei, Kah Hoe, Kian Boon and Kenneth... Crapped a lot while eating... With KB and KF being some of the centre of attractions... Haha... After that KH, KT and KB left, the rest of us went back to school to watch the Muster Parade... YJ joined us... Had to wait a bit before the actual parade... Before the parade, for some reason we ended up being kp-edby Mrs Chew, though she seemed to have targetted YJ more... Was she laming or kp-ing? No idea... Sounded like both... Parade commenced... Nostalgic... Haha... Well, as with every Muster Parade, congrats to those who got promoted...No badges were given out during the parade this time though... To those who didn't manage to get promoted (as cliche as it might sound): Don't give up, work hard for your next promotion... YK, RG, JY, JC etc... Learn from your mistakes, improve, become a better person, become a better leader... After the parade, had to try and settle something, then JW, TL and myself played soccer with several people from 31st and 32nd Batch... Pretty fun... Haven't done such a thing for quite a while... =) Thanks for the ride home JW...

Saturday, morning as usual went for tuition... Afternoon, stoned, did some work, slept at 6+pm... Owned... Sunday, went to grandparents' house for lunch... Then got bugged by Pyu about some stupid thing about something they figured out... Ok, I know you two are very bored kids... Spent the rest of the day doing some stuff, nothing much...

Today, got back physical Geog results.... Pathetic as well... My Geog really sucks man... Zzz... Congrats Leon and Shi Jie for their multiple A1s... Haha... They would have done very well if not for their English... Nearly there you two... Was damn happy for Lit as I improved from a F9 (not kidding) to an A2! Woohoo!!! Saved my combined humanities!! Damn happy...

Less than a month left to O levels... Yet, everytime I come home, I end up slacking... Wanted to try writing an expository essay since I need to try it out, but I abandoned it since I was totally distracted... I really need to wake up my idea!!! So what if I did pretty well for Prelim 3? I have to improve my score!!! Someone slap me man... Zzz... Yah, and I now the more I think of it, the more I feel that my so called motivational message to a few people was pretty useless/stupid... Guess I'll always be an idiot... Zzz...

Yah, to you... My impression of you has changed, for the worse... I didn't think you'd do such things... Ok, it isn't a very big matter, but it does leave a certain impression... I shan't comment about it though... I don't have the right to comment about others when I myself am so imperfect... To you, I'm kind of glad things look better nowadays, after that whole lot of crap that happened... Hope we'll be able to return to the old days, before that whole stupid incident occurred, to the joy and laughter... For me, I have to tread more carefully... To another person, I'm gald we're able to even talk now... What you had done so back then, many haven't forgotten, many haven't forgiven... Just hope you'll slowly come back... As for myself, I think I have to stop some of my idiotic actions, cause I seem to be making a fool of myself and offending people as well... Some childish acts should be put to a stop as well...

Ok, school tomorrow still, hope I can be motivated to study....

This song's pretty old I think... Pretty touching...

If We Hold On Together -- Diana Ross

if we hold on together - Diana ross

Don't lose your way
With each passing day
You've come so far
Don't throw it away
Live believing
Dreams are for weaving
Wonders are waiting to start
Live your story
Faith, hope & glory
Hold to the truth in your heart

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by
For you and I

Souls in the wind
Must learn how to bend
Seek out a star
Hold on to the end
Valley, mountain
There is a fountain
Washes our tears all away
Words are swaying
Someone is praying
Please let us come home to stay

If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
Where clouds roll by
For you and I

When we are out there in the dark
We'll dream about the sun
In the dark we'll feel the light
Warm our hearts, everyone
If we hold on together
I know our dreams will never die
Dreams see us through to forever
As high as souls can fly
The clouds roll by
For you and I

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ok, I really haven't blogged for some time due to a number of reasons... Haha... For one thing, Prelim 3 is over, as of Tuesday that is... Anyway, whole of last week was some of the so called heavier papers... One mistake I made -- I slept very late for one of the nights, as a result, a chain reaction resulted... Zzz... In a way, don't think I'll do very well for this Prelims as well... Definitely not going to reach my target of L1R5 <10 points... Zzz... Saturday morning, went for tuition, but was half asleep so it wasn't very productive... In the evening went to my uncle's house for some party which was to celebrate my aunt's birthday cum my cousin Jemie's farewell cum mooncake festival(?) Yah anyway, ate quite a bit, cousins Hilary and Valarie left damn early... Wow... Then I found out that Jonathan was my uncle's neighbour... Spent a great deal of time talking to him... Haha... After that went to cousin Wei Yu's house to play PS3 and some other random stuff... Ended up leaving his house at like 3am? Haha... Sunday, went to Grandparents' house to eat as usual, then came back home... Monday was our Lit paper... Could say I did study the book this time... I should be able to pass! Hopefully can do reasonably well bah... Afternoon, went to study with Zhe Wen, Jonathan and Leon... Thanks Zhe Wen for the coffees! We were joined by Eugene and Wai Yinn later... Saw Hilary there too... Haha... Tuesday was our Chem and Bio MCQ papers... Hopefully they'll be able to save me quite a bit... After that, went to eat lunch with some 29th Batch members at J8... Saw Ding Yue... He asked me to go for RJC... Haha, even a miracle can't bring me into that school... Then we went back to school, stoned a bit, did some chin-up game (which I seriously suck at), then we borrowed a ball from the store and went to play basketball, under the blazing 2pm sun!!! Hot like anything... Still, we played... Pretty refreshing in a sense since we hadn't done so for come time... After that went over to Eugene's house, played a bit, then went to Popular at Thomson Plaza before rushing to tuition, late... Haiz... Sorry Miss Chan... When I came home, I slept as soon as I finished showering... Didn't even eat dinner... Owned... Today was the first day of script checking... Got back English and S.S... Improved for S.S! Thought by many people's standards, it's a really sucky score, at least I've improved... Yay... Afternoon, went to school library for a while, then went to Bishan library, did one Chem paper... Taxing man... Saw Peiyu... Met Zhe Wen also... Came home, slacked, watched TV... Right now, nearly everyone around me is mugging like crazy... Certain people in the class have improved tremendously, like Alvin... Certain people have gone into very high gear, like Joseph and Jerold and many others... Me? I daresay I'm not even close to them... And my dream school is? NJC? DREAM ON MAN!!! At this rate, I may not even qualify for anywhere... I mean, I haven't decided on what I want to do in life, so I won't go for the Polytechnic path, but I want to do my parents proud... I want to show them, that I'm comparable in some way with him... I'm not some hopless shithead wasting resources... Then again, it's just all talk as usual I guess... I'm don't seem to be doing anything about it... Arrghh! Honestly, the pressure around me is so great that it's starting to suffocate me... And day by day, achieving my dreams seem to be more and more impossible... No use coming to me and saying, can one lah, do your best, work hard sure can one... As of my current ability, I won't even come close... Perhaps some dreams (or in my case, many dreams) will just remain dreams, nothing more... Will they ever forgive me? Tomorrow is script check day 2! Hopefully it'll be good, hopefully...

Let's just hope I'll survive this...

Happy Belated Birthday to Lam Jun Wei and Daryl Chan!

4.5 weeks, 33 Days to O levels, good luck everyone!

Monday, September 08, 2008

I'll try to do this quickly... Anyway, last Thursday, woke up late, ended up being late for Maths in the morning... Zzzz... During the break, went to Bishan market with Leon, Charlton, Manfred, Wai Yinn, Julian and Jonathan.... Ended up a bit late too.... Haha... After Maths, Eugene, Wai Yinn and Jonny had tuition... Wanted to go to J8 to grab a bite before going to the library, ended up meeting Justin at the basment... Haha... Somehow, I got persuaded to go with him to Plaza Singapura... And I bumped into Eunice again, this time, it was before Justin and I were going to the MRT... Haha... Went to PS, there we met the crazy Pei Yu... Ended up eating lunch at Carl's Junior, the exact same place a whole bunch of us ate at more than a year ago... As usual, very filling, very big hole in my pocket... Haha... Ate, talked cock, Justin and Pyu were trying to get people to join them... Haha... They persuaded Wen Rui to go in the end... Haha... Ming Woon, Chye Ping and You Yue joined us in the end... They decided against the movie since it was too late... Walked around, then waited for Wen Rui... Got suanned again in the waiting process... Haha, I made a bet... If I score 6 points for O levels, I'm going to treat some people to a meal... Haha... Never will they get their meals... XD Somehow, Wen Rui just walked past the group... Haha... After that, they went to Meridian shopping centre to play pool... I told myself I was never going near one of those places for a while, even more so since I was wearing class tee and chs shorts... Furthermore, had to join Jonny and Wai Yinn at the library... Left them to their game... Sorry guys... Perhaps some other time bah... Went back to Bishan, went to the library, did some work... After that came home...

Friday,went to school for a while, then had lunch with Kah Hoe, Kian Boon and Leonard... Jun Wei and Ken joined us... After that, we went to the school library to study for a while... At about 5pm, we went to the court outside chs to play badminton with Jawl and gang... Pretty fun, thought we got owned... Haha... Thanks Jawl (sir) haha... In the evening, went out for dinner at some Italian restaurant with the family... Saturday morning had tuition... After that, didn't go for my uncle's little farewell party... He's going to the USA to work or something... Went to the library with Wai Yinn and Jonny... Zi Jing joined us for a while... The time he was there was pretty entertaining... Haha... Wy went off first... Borrowed some books, then Jonny went to Cafe Cartel or something to eat with his family, I went around J8 scouting for dinner... Haha... It sucks eating out alone, really... Haiz... Sunday, lunch at grandparents' house, study, went to cut hair, saw Alvin, talked, saw another person, didn't talk, didn't even say hi... Haha, not that I didn't want to anyway...

Today, our Prelims resumed... For me, had Chemistry paper only... Screwed up quite a bit of the paper already... Argggh... And I'm supposed to be pretty good at Chem... Haiz... Hopefully can still scrape an A1.... After paper, went to Eugene's house to do some Maths, then went for tuition... Did Physics, now I'm back here...

In a flash, the 1 week break (study break) was gone... I don't think I really fully utilized my time well enough, wasted quite a bit of time here and there... Zzzz... Furthermore, I think I'm going to screw up this Prelims too... Zzzz... Try my best bah.... However, there was one scary thing... At the start of the Chem paper this morning, I sort of blanked out for 2 minutes or so... Scary... Hope it doesn't happen for the rest of the papers... Tomorrow, Physics and A.Maths paper 1...

Last week's best day was Tuesday, the week before was Friday.... This week? No idea... Maybe Saturday perhaps, since there's some little event going on... All the best to the kids' Muster Parade, hope it goes smoothly... Hopefully I'll be able to watch it... See how things go I guess... Bye people... Oh, and I really find that one of the main characters from the show on Channel U The Academy really looks like Jay-jay sir (NPDP '07 one of the contingent commanders of the GOH boys) Haha....

Happy Birthday Yanlin!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I know it's like 1+am and I have to go to school early tomorrow, but I guess since I'm online, I'll blog... Today, ok yesterday rather... Stoned at home the whole day... Did some work... Some Geography and Maths... Watched The Academy again... Pretty boring day in a sense... Luckily I had my speakers and my my music... Haha... It rained again, as with the past 2 weeks or so... Wanted to play badminton in the evening but had to scrap the idea cause of unfavourable weather conditions... Haiz...

Somehow, today I kept thinking of a lot things... Friday's incident just somehow keeps popping back into my head... It reminds me of one of the worst experiences I ever had... It was in Sec 1 I think... I was taking the bus home with Christopher, then this group of Whitley upper sec students boarded the bus (I'm not discriminating against the school or something, just recounting the incident) Then for some reason, those bloody ****** started making loud jokes and remarks that were directed at me, meant to make fun of me... This incident was carried out loudly in the bus, so I presume that nearly everyone heard it... It sucked, really... Ignoring them wasn't good enough... To make matters worse, one of them came up to me to make fun of me in my face just before his stop... Then things went something like I asked him to shut up and sort of pointed at him, the he gave that gangster-like sneer "Wah, point at me ah", and he slapped my hand away... Well, I was Sec 1, I didn't know any better back then... The incident, honestly speaking did have quite an effect on me... Luckily, I managed to live without those remarks for some time, till during certain times when I did get made fun off again (Like the people from this certain school during tuitions)... Ok fine, people tell me, ignore them... Well, easier said than done... For me, honestly, I'm scared of new environments... Cause I'll have to start building up everything from scratch again... Though some have told me "people will be more mature in jc and ns"... To a certain extent, yes... However, it'll be unavoidable... Everytime this kind of thing happens, it always sends me into deep thought... Haiz... Guess this does make me appreciate those around me even more... Before you come up with any suggestion, I would advise you to not to... Seriously... If you don't get what I'm talking about, forget it... I saw some of the photos of when I was younger... I realise, I really did look like crap, not that I appear any better now... Then, all these times, I done a lot... Especially those actions which have offended/angered many... Whatever impression and actions that I've done, they'll always be in people's minds, the scars will always be there... To everyone, I'm really really sorry for all my past actions and words that might have offended, hurt of angered you... Ok, I know many of them wouldn't ever read this, but what the heck... Somehow, I've always wanted to do some things, then a certain something seems to keep holding me back... To be very honest, I'm scared to present myself to large groups of people I'm not familiar with, no because of stage fright or something, but because I'm scared of what kind of comments they'll have about me... Yah I know it's kind of childish and lame, but that's kind of it...

Ok crap, there's just so much I want get off my mind, but some things can't be said here, some things I have no idea how to express.... Yeah I know you'll tell me, there are people worse of than you or something...

To clarify, I'm not emoing, I'm not lamenting or something... I'm just speaking (or typing rather) what's on my mind, that's all...

When I think about it now, somehow, I sort of wish what he had said was really the case... If only it were true...

On the other hand, I kind of compared my essays to that of a girl's (from tuition)... Yup, I guess I really still do lack quite a bit of substance... The essay I wrote during the lesson some time back, honestly I thought it was one of my best ones... Well, standard not there yet... I need to improve! And I need inspiration for my essays!! Arrgh...

Ok, I seem to be behind in my revision... Physical Geography is proving to be difficult... Zzzz... Ok I better sleep soon, don't want to be sleeping during Maths later... And for the movie, I don't think I'll be going... Sorry Justin...

Bye people

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ok, yesterday, went for tuition in the late morning/afternoon... After that met Jonathan and we studied at the library for a while... In the evening we went to J8 to walk a bit... Checked out the mooncake exhibition sale thingy... I'm pretty amazed in a sense... Mooncakes have kind of evolved in a sense haven't they? Yesterday, we discovered some flavours of mooncake that we've never seen before, such as what, raspberry cheese, some coffee-like one, even cranberry? Wow... Mooncake revolution? Haha... As what Wai Yinn described, perhaps it's globalization... Haha...

Today, seemed to have met quite a lot of people today... Haha... Reached Junction 8 at about 11+am... Met Wai Yinn and Eugene as intended, who were at coffee bean doing work... Waited for Jonathan to arrive... Walked a bit while waiting for him... Met George (4-7), then Julian and Eugene Ang... Talked with them a bit... Met KB as well... Saw him again later with Minron, Terence and Jun Wei... They were going for Maths apparrently... After lunch at food junction, tried looking for a space in the library but the situation was similar to Monday -- very crowded... Bumped into Eunice at some point in the library... After that we decided to go to Eugene's house... Did some studying before we played table tennis, then I left for tuition, while they had theirs... Took 52 to go to tuition and by some coincidence, I met Lingli... Haha... On that same bus, saw Bryan Ng also... Talked to Lingli for a while, then her mum gave me a lift to tuition, since we're in the same tuition class... Thanks a lot auntie and Lingli! =) After tuition, decided to try something new, which was to walk home instead of taking a bus... Pretty nice change... Haha... It took a surprisingly short time, though it's kind of near in a sense... Haha...

Today, in a sense, wasn't very productive... Didn't managed to study much, hardly studied actually... Better do some work after this... Problem is, right now, I'm kind of into this Channel U show called The Academy... Pretty nice show... It's a kind of about the police... Nice... Oh and my computer has been sent for servicing again in the light of the fresh problems that have croppped up... Haiz... Oh yah, I remembered something... On Friday, the joker Chye Ping asked me whether this certain person was my girlfriend... Joke!!!! Haha... How in the world he got that impression I have no idea... Speaking of which... Thursday there's supposedly some movie outing organized by Justin... Not sure whether I can go... No sure whether I should be going in the first place... Haha... Sian, I don't like mugging... Alas, it's part of our life now... Zzzz

Ok anyway, bye people...

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com