Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to Louis and Cousin Valarie!

Today reached school at like 8+am... Then went to practice a bit for our English oral with Evan and Shaun at the study area, then we did some work (I hardly did any though)... Jonny and Wai Yinn joined us, and the Joseph Ang.... At about 11:20am we went to Bishan market to have lunch, then came back, got uniform back from KB who borrowed it for his oral, then reported outside hall... We waited for some time before we could go in... My group's testers were Miss Fernandez and Miss Winnie Tan... Crapped out quite a bit for both the convo and picture, a little worried that I might have talked out of point for the convo... Not sure how I'll do... Hope to do well... After that went for Bio SPA, did it today as tomorrow's POP and I can't go for the one scheduled for my class... Finished it then went for Physics lesson, which I didn't really understand like half the stuff... After that went to library for a while the Ken's parents gave me a life home.. Thanks! Big thanks to the squad for the bag as well! Today, something which was a sort of miracle happened, was a but sudden, but well... He's back, and that's what's important. =)
Tomorrow's Passing Out Parade aka POP... It'll mark the end of our year of NCO-ship as well our 3.5 years of time spent in NPCC... Have to go for S.S in the morning first though... Hope for good weather and that everything will go smoothly... We'll be going to Leonard's house to celebrate after that! 30th Batch will take over in about 12+ hours time... Good luck guys!

Some pics that I didn't get a chance to post and some that I just took today...

Three SLB badges on Joshua's shirt... Lol... On investiture day...

The 3 SLB badges of CHS...

Our souveneir... Credits to the Council and Mrs Loh for preparing these...

Boon Siang's present... A little Byakuya shirt pouch... Nice... Thanks meexiam =)

Other view of the little shirt....

Damian's present... It's very nice and it fits me pretty nicely... So it's cool... Thanks Damian =)

What the squad got me... A very nice bag...

The bag containing the present... Lol... Credits to those who wrote it... Though up till now I'm still wondering why my nickname is fishball head... Lol.. Or the latest one by JW, fishballer... Haha... My hair really like fishball meh... Haha....

Chun Keet posing with a test tube in the Bio lab... Our last time in the lab le...

My cloudy white emulsion... Pretty cool suspension or whatever you call it...

Ok that's all... See ya

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hi everyone... So fast Wednesday liao... Past few days have been sort of an emotional roller coaster for me, more on the down side rather...

Monday was Chinese O levels... Paper 1 think I did ok... Did the bao zhang bao dao and gong han, although si han seemed to have been easier, but what the heck... Then I screwed up my Paper 2, badly... Had the very insecure feeling after completing the paper... We went to check our answers with the Chinese teachers... I know their answers might not be 100% accurate, but they can't be too far off can they? So yah, I scored 12/30 for the MCQ component... Well done Bryan... And don't say my li jie wen da could pull me up, cause it was difficult and I had a but of a repetition of answers, which in most cases is NOT supposed to happen... Arrgghhh... I'm looking at a possibility of actually failing or just passing my paper 2... Wonderful... Oh yah, the chief examiner was Miss Yip (I think that's her name) from KCP, and she's the OC of KCPNPCC... Lol... Got damn sian after the paper... Seems like Leon didn't do very well as well... Hope to scrape at least a B3... Don't wish to retake to tell the truth... Waste time...

After that had the training for shooting com using the little laser guns that Mr Goh bought... Guess the only thing it lacks is the triggering I guess... After that taught fancy drill, then soccer... End of day...

Tuesday, went to school thinking there was Geog remedial... There was actually, but LTY and I couldn't find Mr Talib... So I just went to the library, did some Geog, but spent most of the time doing my E.Maths paper 1 test... Lunched then went for Chinese Oral... Maths started at 2pm but I went at like 3+pm due to Chinese... Got back the paper I did in the morning... 58/80... That's about A2... Zzzz... Then Mrs Tan almost wanted to extend the remedial, which was supposed to end at 4pm, by 45 minutes because she said it was raining... Lol... But yah luckily she didn't... Supposed to have started fancy drill rehearsal but ended up starting much later... Some modifications here and there... After that was dinner at KFC after a bit of soccer...

Today, morning went for Chinese oral lesson at the library... Err, wasn't paying much attention most of the time... Was either playing or talking... KH got pissed with me and LTY for that... Sorry KH... But yah it sort of pained me that I had sort of lost a friend for like a day for that... I regret not paying attention, but I'm wondering to myself now... Should I still try my best? After having screwed my Chinese already?

Anyway, after that was shooting com... Went to HTA... Waited... Leo, WR and I somehow kept going to the toilet... Something like 4 times... Lol... Ok, sometimes it was cause we wanted to kill time... Lol... Some area 4 shooters came... The appearance of someone reminded me of something funny I heard some time back... Note: I'm not bearing any grudges and I'm not mentioning names, so if you know who I'm referring to, just don't say anything... Anyway, whatever this guys had said, could say it sounded weird, cause based on my interpretation, it sounded like "I didn't get so and so cause I'm lucky, it's cause I'm good!!" Lol... Ok that was my interpretation... Then some more appearances, got a wee bit pissed and swore, within earshot of my cadets and Mr Thomas... Sorry... I guess what I had said did make me sound like a sore loser... Sorry Mr Thomas... Why do I still bear grudges in this little (ok maybe not so little) incident... Should have let it go by now and they didn't do anything to me, why should I even get angry with them.. I don't see the sense in it, I'm an idiot really... Yah, then Leo told me one of them was dunno whether was shocked or amazed or any other word you want to use to describe it when this person saw one the badges on my uniform... Cannot ah? Too lousy is it? Ok, I'm way too hostile, cause I'm right here assuming the person was mocking me or something... Sorry...

We did our shoot... Sec 4 team scored 556 points out of 800 I think.... A chance of going into the finals? Sec 3s didn't do too well... Sebastian and I scored 164 and 162 points respectively... Might get a chance to get into the finals for the individual category? Did much better than I did last year.... Surprised myself with my score actually... But yeah, let's hope for the best for both teams!

To my sec 3s: I know many of you are extremely disappointed, particularly rj... But yah, don't blame yourself for what happened, you guys did your best and that's what matters... Learn from your mistakes this time, gain the experience, and go back to the compeition next year, with a vengeance... Ok, maybe a bit of a wrong word used here.... Paiseh... Yah, but anyway, don't give up and let this affect the other aspects of your life... You're going to take over in 2 days, look forward to it guys... =) And big thanks to god-grandma and all for the surprise just now... Thank you =)

And yeah, I forgot to mention this in my previous post... Didn't mention my thanks to JW and Leo who wished me happy birthday a few hours before midnight... Haha... And a big thanks to Damian and Boon Siang for the presents... I'm really touched... =)

Haven't been feeling too good for the past few days, largely due to screwing up my Chinese Os... Sorry if I have been looking emo, or being very quiet or suddenly blowing up at things... I feel like I'm getting hopeless at a lot of things... I can hardly do any questions for A.Maths now... I don't want to go to the extent of having depression, though I might be having mild depression or something... I seem to be screwing up all the important stuff... Would I screw up my actual O levels too?

Should I continue the fight?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hey everyone... Sorry for not updating... Thursday was sort of a normal day, then again, it also wasn't... Lol... Morning Chinese remedial again, Lit was watching the TKAMB video since Mrs Tang didn't have time to give us the test... Had double Chem since Miss Saras went for the Sec 3 camp... Oh yah, in the morning saw the Sec 3s going off.... Saw someone having a pink bag... Lol... Not that it's wrong, well... Never mind... Somehow I feel that Mr Thomas is a but pissed of with the class... Left at about 1:40pm, everyone probably spent the entire period printing their missing Chem SPA worksheets... Lol... Left early cause we had to go to HTA for dry prac to try out the new gun... Could only leave at like 2+pm cause Leo and WR had O level Physics SPA... Went to HTA, then JW went to settle some admin stuff for Zheng Qian cause he's going on the Malaysia trip... It took quite a while cause we did get a bit lost... The training was supposed to start at 3pm, we reported at about 4pm... Lol... Anyway, did the dry prac, bug thanks to Mr Goh and SMS for helping us to get the dry prac... Long time never touch the gun le... After that we went to Chua Chu Kang station, bought some stuff to eat, then took MRT home... Yeah then my parents bought me a cake cause it was my birthday actually... Thanks Mum and Dad!!! =)

Friday, briefing in the hall for tmrw, then lectures... Then our teacher pissed me off... I'm like already confused about all our timetables for our holiday remedials, then she come and kp ME because I didn't make it a point to our other teacher that she needed the supposed remedial slot... TMD, teachers cannot talk with teachers meh? Need the student, in this case, ME to do everything? My life isn't exactly very smooth sailing now and I really have been facing so many bullshit problems, so yeah THANKS for increasing the pressure and crap I have had to endure so far.... As much as I need you as a teacher to teach me for the subject(s) you're teaching us, stop always trying to pick on me can? Always all the time come and kp me... Even my classmates know that I'm a usual target lah wtf... After that then she gl-ed the class and all that... No point trying to negotiate with her in such cases... Wtf... Luckily when she came in in the second period after recess she solved the matter herself... Got back our E. Maths paper 2 that we took last week or something... 85%... Yay... A.Maths got 65%, must jia you... S.S was taken by Mrs Yap who went through English oral...

Went for a bit of Chinese remedial before going for training... Our last training as NCOs... Only did some squad admin since the Sec 3s weren't around... Then RT... Played soccer, then after training we gave MH his birthday present... Then went to do fancy drill, always something happened here de... Dunno what happened then he go dao all of us again, like last time... Wtf, sit there and refuse to move... Tried persuading him, but he just ignored us.... WTF... In the end nearly the whole squad who came for training stayed there for like 4 hours or so in the plaza? It was like a whole emotional scene, so many had broken down, including yours truly, even the mist unlikely of people also broke down... Was there a need to go to such an extent? It was supposed to be a joyous occasion, our last training and dinner together, but for you, we stayed there, many of us having made arrangements to stay longer, not eating anything... JW ended up having gastric problems... We made all that sacrifice, yet you refused to even open up... Did you even have to go to such extents for what was, if I'm not wrong, a very small matter? Even after he apologized, you didn't budge? Did it have to end this way? With just 1 week left to POP? Didn't the 4 yours we had together mean anything? At least what had happened showed that everyone still cared... Not exactly sure what I'm typing here, ok mine's not really detailed anyway... But well, we're still the 29th Batch =) If you'll just explain, and stop this nonsense, for me I'm willing to forget everything, but yeah like some said, there will be a scar... Ironic? Lol...

Saturday, came back for Chinese remedial, after that we rehearsed our fancy drill again, though it wasn't the full strength, didn't expect him to come anyway... WR had piano so well... After that we went to discuss with SMS about POP cause of something... Why did 26th batch start it, and gave us the wrong impression? How come it went unnoticed for 3 batches? Lol... Never mind... Just have to thank SMS for giving us a bit of leeway... Ended up leaving school at 6+pm... Today studied a bit here and there, went to cut my hair, studied again...

Tomorrow's Chinese O Levels... I don't feel prepared, and I haven't exactly been studying properly all this time... Arggh.... Damn scared... Hope for the best... Zzzz

And yeah, thanks to all those who wished me Happy Birthday through the various means, even just received one... Lol... Anyway, in no order of merit: Thanks Terence, Ken, Yibin, Jonny, Ben, Louis, Cliff, Linus, Ming Hao, Boon Siang, Xing Yu, Kah Hoe, Chuan En, Christopher, Grandma, Jeanie, Eugene (we jacked him into thinking it was tmrw and he fell for it... Haha), Wei Rong, Yanlin, Warren, Wen Xuan, Chiu Yang, Daren, Thomas, Chun Hui, Chorlin, Julian, Perret, Gregory, Damian, Chris Lai, Hilary, Joseph sir and the others who wished me here and there... Sorry if I left out anyone... Most of all, big thanks to my parents for the cake and the lunch on Monday, as well my grandparents... Thanks everyone!!!

Also, big thanks to all those who wished me the best of luck for tomorrow, hope I don't disappoint all of you, as well as Huang lao shi, who's really done a lot for us... Thing is, I haven't exactly been studying and putting a lot of effort like some people... I don't want to have to take a second time... Hope for the best! Even Rebecca Ma'am wished me good luck... Lol... Then there was Cousin Hilray, who gave me advice, Jia Han sir, Hanwen, Joey, Robin, Kian Boon, Leonard, SMS, Ben, Clifton, Wai Yinn and the list goes on... Thanks everyone, will try my best!!!

Ok time to sleep soon... Night people

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yesterday was another long day, nothing much happened I guess, except that I forgot to bring the store key and caused quite a bit of problems... Sorry guys... O level Physics SPA from 3pm to 4pm... Hopefully I did ok... After that was A.Maths Paper 1 in the audi... I scraped a 65% score for the previous Paper 2 test, this test, think I'll most likely fail it... Zzzz... Missed tuition again as a result... It was Ming Hao's birthday as well... So Happy Belated Birthday MH!!! =)

Today, CL remedial again, then Mr Quay taught us for like 20 minutes, then he brought us to the canteen but told us that we could only buy food at 11:30am... LOL... There was assembly in the afternoon, which I didn't know there was, thought Sec 4s won't like go for assembly anymore or something... Didn't bring tie as a result and had to rent one... $4 bucks wasted... Zzzz... Assembly was a talk by Dr William Tan, pretty inspiring... Then there was the weekly Science revision test, this time was Physics and they said it a test on the whole syllabus, expected some pretty hard paper... What we got: A 40-MCQ question paper... -_-''' At least they could have given us some paper with at least some open-ended questions... However, if we don't do well for this paper it does indicate that we do need to work on our fundamentals for Physics...

Last training with the Sec 3s today, unfortunately it was still the PNCO sessions... Debrief, then some talk then fancy drill... Whole thing is finally done, just need to touch up... Tempers were pretty high too, cause of some who were a wee bit too jokey here and there... Ah well... Dinner then came home...

Now I'm going to have a big problem... 5 days to CL O levels... Die liao...

Happy Birthday to Perret, Chris Lai and Gregory!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hi everyone... Back here... Firstly, happy Vesak Day... Lol... Recount on what happened during the past few days....

Wednesday... Biggest event: Student Leaders' Investiture... Left class at like 9:05am... Lol... Then all the SLs did all the rehearsals and stuff... Invest started at like 12pm... Everything went pretty ok I guess... Save for the dance performances part I guess... Some miscommunication I guess... After invest, ate a bit then went for the Chem test on Alkenes and Alkanes... Not sure how I'll do... Lol... Then went for training, first session for the probationary NCOs aka Sec 3s....

Thursday, day was pretty ok I guess, Chinese intensive still, then afternoon had a E.Maths test in the hall, hope I can do well... Friday was training again... Our last complete opening parade that we could have, some photographers were present to take photos for the school's website or something... Damn irritating when there were pauses just to allow the guy to take some shots... -_- Otherwise, it was more or less successful... PNCOs took training again... Wanted to watch the POP of NCC Land, but I went to the plaza to catch it twice but hadn't gone to the main component(s) yet, so I gave up... Closing parade was also pretty successful... Dinner at KFC after that....

Saturday, Chinese remedial again... Then went for shooting com training by Tian Ming sir... Then lunch at Macdonalds with TMS... Walked around J8 then we spotted some of our cadets around, who appeared to skulking around and half stalking us... Lol... Sunday almost nothing done...

Today, CL pupils had to go back to school for remedial, damn own, but it's for our own good lah, teachers also sacrifice their time for us... Good thing many turned up... After that went for lunch with family at Wheelock Place, then sent my phone for servicing... Walked around then came home... Didn't full utilize the long weekend, again... Zzzz... Didn't manage to go for MH's birthday celebrations, sorry guys...

Ok nothing much le...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi everyone, haven't blogged for about two and a half weeks, apologies to those who were expecting things... Last, last week was nothing really much, some things happened in class but they don't really matter now...

Last week, Monday and Tuesday was pretty busy. Wednesday was NPCC Day. The last NPCC day I'll probably be celebrating... Of all days it had to rain in the morning on that day somemore. So unfortunately, we had our own parade held at the gallery. KB was doing the "emcee-ing" for the school and we tried to synchronize our parade along with it, pretty cool. Used drill cane for the parade, the last time I'll ever be using a drill cane in a parade I guess, Chsnpcc-style. Lol... Was the contingent commander for the Sec 3s. Parade was pretty ok except that we sort of started too early and ended up stoning for quite a while before the national anthem was played for the school. Number of things that were done in the parade. Firstly, congratulations to Wei Rong and Ming Hao for promoting to Staff Sergeant. =) Sec 3s' C.C Com trophy was also presented. Then was awarded the Best Unit Cadet badge by Mr Lee H.B. Err, well, it feels weird, cause, no offence to anyone, I never intended to aim for the badge at all in all 4 years of my NPCC life... Lol, had always been setting my targets on something else... Haha... Ah well... Gold Plaque was given to Mr Lee, the parade ended. Photos were taken, at the gallery then outside the general office. Then Mrs Chew helped me to put my badge, which she took damn long to do so, but yeah thanks Mrs Chew! Took somemore photos with stupid themes like "Drill team", "Squad leader team" etc... Lol... Then went for lessons. Wore full u for the whole day. Had to change out as there was PE, which I tried climbing the inclined rock wall, but was unsuccessful and got injured a bit... Lol... Expected to get suanned by certained teachers, luckily didn't... Mrs Yap was like congratualating me on getting BUC I think, though she got the term wrong... Lol... Mr Quay made a bit of a joke, it wasn't as bad as other "suannings" anyway... Weather was damn hot, was boiling during the afternoon science test... After school, we went to see Siming sir to get our photo taken for some profiling thing, found out the proper badge arrangement... Training went to do pt as Sec 3s had gone for their Land Division visit. It has been a long time since I did a proper pt, need more of it I guess... Yeah and it was Kian Boon's birthday also... Happy Birthday! Belated rather...

Thursday was so so, had a A.Maths test in the hall. Lost at least about 30 marks out of 100 already... Die liao.... Zzzz... Thursday was also Wei Jie's birthday, but he was sick... Friday had training, taught MOI, at last... Lol... Lincoln's birthday on that date as well... We also gave KB his present and sang a birthday song for him... =) Dinner at J8 food court after that... 14 people went if I'm not wrong, nearly 3/4 of the squad... =) Saturday Chinese remedial again, not before our usual burger breakfast at the primary school canteen... Lol... After that played a bit of soccer, then went to the whitley court to play basketball with the squad plus Richie... Damn fun games... Richie left after a while, then it was totally squad baskeball... Damn fun... Played for quite some time before we went to J8 food court (again), this time to commemorate KB's birthday... We managed to find a table to fit all of us and we managed to eat together... Yeah man... Then as we were leaving, got a nasty cut from the corners of the chair... Sia la, like that also can tio cut... Zzzz... Sort of wasted the weekened away after that.... Wah lau...

This week... Monday was O level Bio SPA, did ok, I guess... No comments left... Chinese intensive has also started, hopefully I can push myself and benefit from these lessons, as much as they are a pain... Was damn tired, didn't go tuition... Then was plagued by some stupid problem, which has thankfully, been resolved... Then I got plagued by another issue, used up a lot of my sms-es over it, and somehow I was like soley responsible for everything... WTH... Couldn't do much of my work... Zzzz... Also something turned up on the net, if you know about it then you know it. Today was O level Chem SPA on titration, was so so, until the last part.... Hope I did ok... After school, investiture rehearsal... Too bad was unable to see the CHMA auditions... After that, CMC was told to stay back... Stoned for quite some time, then we ate pizza... Quite nice... Credits to Ivan and gang I guess for planning this...

And yeah, last Thursday Jonathan was down with dengue fever, funnily enough, he's recovered already... Cool... Haha... He came back to school today...

Investiture tomorrow... Missing lessons, good and bad thing... Still remember last year's investiture, which still seems pretty recent... Lol... I'm not really exctied about it anyway... Investiture for normal Chairmen just means that we can take out our tie, but we still have to do our duties... Lol...

Some photos that were taken recently... Havent' recevied the pics for NP day from Ken yet....

With some of my best buddies in class... Leon, Jonny and meexiam who's hiding his retarded face... Lol....

How my uniform is like right now, hopefully can get our PYA badge, like before POP or something? Lol...

This thing's pretty cool...

This thing much better... It's awesome!!! Haha...

Store pic

Another store pic...

There's one more pic that shouldn't really be shown... And the scandolous pics of Jun Wei and Leonard will be posted up another time, when more people have time to view this... Haha... Perhaps this weekend? XD

Ok bye....

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail