Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned

Well it's been some time since I did a proper post. This isn't going to be much of one either (compared to those in the past at least), but I shall give it a shot

Quite a number of things have changed so far. Officially moved to LCK Camp II. Shan't bother to comment about anything there, shall just say it's freaking different from AFTC. Had the National Day re-dedication ceremony today. Quite a few scenes today that made me really wonder about the values of leading by example, and those who wear legitimate ranks of commanders. Guess it all boils down to the value of respect once again.

Had a pretty good weekend, besides a small bout of some apparent unhappiness somewhere that affected me pretty much. Other than that, met the 28 guys, some of them at least, met the clique for the food hunt down Chinatown mainly. Had dinner with my family to celebrate mum's birthday. Had a nice chat and walking around with Joanne and Kimberly around town area. Pretty grateful for the fairly pleasant weekend I guess (:

So well, for now specialised phase II is already underway, because of the way things are, my weekends are so fragile. Thankfully we haven't gotten any confinements yet, though I have a feeling we're that close to getting one, and we might just get one pretty soon. Guess this is a part of life

You're going through probably one of the toughest times you've experienced so far, I know perfectly well how it feels. A part of me wished that I could do more to be there to help you as much as possible, but I can't cause I have my own battle here to try to conquer. Hopefully I'll be able to help in any small way or so. Our spirits will always be there cheering you on, and I really hope you'll emerge triumphant at the end of your own journey here. It will be your story to tell. For you, you're going through another new phase of life, something brand new, something fresh. I'm glad that you're taking it real positively despite the evident challenges ahead. It won't be easy for sure. Yet with this phase comes something I more or less foresaw some time back. As of one of my fears, slowly but surely, things will start drifting apart. I can't do much, cause I know it is your future involved here, and it is your life that you should make meaningful and as eventful as possible. I don't want any of this to sound selfish or something, definitely not. Everyone has their own right to live their lives their way. Like everyone else, as you move on to the next chapter, I just hope that the bonds that we share won't fade away just like that. Guess it applies to everyone else too

On the other hand, I guess I should count my blessings that the rest of us here will stay together and fight this fight together. So many people have gone through it, we shall just have to go through it too

I'm in a very strange kind of mood, it isn't exactly happy, it isn't exactly emo. I guess I'm just resigned, and taking things as they come.

Maybe it's the music I've been listening to for the past 1.5 hours or so, or maybe it's the situation whatsoever. So many thoughts keep bombarding my mind, I just wished I had more time sometimes to type it all out here rather than keep it in more often that not

A freaking long way more to go, 22 weeks


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com