Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Okay, haven't really blogged properly in some time. Should mention a few things first, had a friendly with RV on 10th Feb. Won after 5 periods, 11-9. Not bad, but can be better I guess lol. Oh then there was pe lesson by some miracle managed to hit 9:55 for 2.4km run. Yes! Must train to maintain that! Though for some reason my pull up count seems to be decreasing :/ Might be cause I'm tired or something haha.

Friday was road run, did my best and managed come in 26th, not bad I must say. Great improvement from last year, couldn't run for nuts during road run in 2009 haha. Managed to help Terra get some points, I think lol. Went for lunch with OG21 with Cass, Joshua and Nigel after road run. Had fun crapping with them. Great to hear they're still quite gelled together as an OG. Keep in touch with each other guys (: Saturday had court training, but my performance can be described in one word: Horrible. Couldn't shoot, couldn't dribble properly, couldn't do nuts. Then was damn cui and stuff, games totally killed me zzz. Sorry Dong Hui for accidentally hitting you with the stick :/ Went to study after training with Joanne, Kimberly and Chun Yong. Ended up going to the drive-thru Macs cause AMK library was crowded lol. Thanks for explaining vectors I and II to me Chun Yong! Family dinner at some place after that.

Sunday was mainly going to my maternal grandma's house for lunch, followed by my uncle's house. Ended up bringing homework there to do, damn loser zzz.. Did quite a bit vectors II there though. Had fun the Karoke system as well haha. Monday nothing much, did Chem after school, which caused me a big headache. Joined Joanne and Kimberly at Amk Library followed by Macs again for studying. I like the studying sessions, quite productive (: Managed to finall finish vectors II and hydroxy tutorial part 1 haha.

Today, brought my com to school to do some stuff, ended up sounding the horn half the time during GC haha. Training was nuts, 10 intervals, couldn't run properly for some reason, felt like there was a lot of resistance haha. Damn tired now zzz.. Oh yeah, saw the email from hq about recruitment of PC for NPAP haha. If I didn't have floorball I wouldn't mind trying out lol, guess I'll have to give up the dream of using a sword in a parade for a while. I know it's a dumb dream, but being a guy who kind of likes parades, I think it's cool haha. Next time maybe. Ok, what in the world am I saying...

A lot of things have been running through my mind recently, on and off. Especially so when you think of one sad thing and it leads to another zzz. Talk more about them another time I guess.

Had this song for quite some time, came from the first album I owned, which was the compliation cd Bigger lol. Has a nice tune to it. Enjoy

Song of the day: Home -- Michael Buble


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com