Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ok, these 2 days have been kind of interesting... Yesterday, met Wen Qi at Orchard to go buy the presents... Went to eat first... At first wanted to eat at Taka, then ended up going to Cathay, then on the way there these people from Razor Tv or something came up to us to interview us... Wen Qi daoed them and walked off... Haha... End up I had to crap a bit then as what Wen Qi says "entertain them a bit"... Haha... Can't believe I did that though... Went to Long John Silver, Mick joined us... Ate, bought our stuff, then went to play pool... Went to Pasir Ris after that, walked around White Sands mall, bumped into Tong Yang... Haha... Stoned at Macs, met Terence, then went to the chalet... Whole event was pretty fun I guess... I admit we didn't help to cook, all of us from D'08 (those who were there that is)... Quite a lot of talk cock sessions, then a lot of random stuff... Big thanks to those in the area for helping us "freshmen" blend into the crowd... Oh yah, for the first time I saw our senior Daniel... Heard of him but don't think we've seen him in person before, for me at least... Oh well, better late than never... Haha... Exchange of gifts was another event... Then the other event was someone's birthday, Jack... Saw a very err, dunno how to describe tradition? Haha... Hope I don't tio in the future =x If you were there you would understand what I'm talking about... Haha... Yah, so the whole thing was pretty cool... Then for a certain reason, we went to visit another area's chalet as well (we visited 2 actually, but the second one is the impt one) Yeah, then saw Nicholas Yee, Florence and someone who was also from D'08... Qianying I think? Yah, talked cock again till like 1+am... Big thanks to Theresa ma'am for sending us home =)

Then just now, met the rest at pastamania... Was late by 25 minutes... -.- Then a bunch of us went over... Main objective was to present the little figurine to him... Then we were there talking about a lot of stuff... Was kind of surprised at the so called openess of the discussion just now... A lot of issues were touched on... Then everyone had a common enemy... Haha... Well, look forward to changes next year... Haha... Even an issue that I was once very sensitive about was touched on, though I got over it long ago... Oh well... Guess there are things I've yet to learn about certain things and people...

On to other stuff... Heard about the new directives or something... Our NP uniform is about to be revamped? Buttons, badge cap are going to be changed... Even officers' ranks are going to have the NPCC letters, similar to those of a cadet... Oh well... Even we'll be affected... Haiz... Badges are probably going to be changed too... That one, doesn't sound that good, for me at least... Haiz... Anyway, to all 29th Batch people who read this, I've gotten our PYA badges (yah I know it's long overdue)... Will pass them to you guys when I see you... Keep as souvenier... Haha...

Guess I have quite a fair bit of stuff to cover... One issue that I had come across lately was mainly about conflicts... Well, thankfully at the moment, I'm not directly involved any conflicts, or at least I hope not... Yah but well... I know about 3 at the moment... Yah, often conflicts arise from very simple things... Simple stuff like what we say, or our actions... We might not be aware of what we do, sometimes maybe we voice out our unhappiness in a way that ends up offending people, or it can just be some simple miscommunication... Oh well, whatever the case, guess I'll do what I can to help those whom I can help? I know there's one whereby I know whatever I do I can't do anything, cause this persons actions just seem to whack all those who had cared about the issue before... And yah, it dates back to that day... Shan't comment further... Others, well.... I just hope things will clear up for some... It's seriously confusing, when you're the middle man and somehow both parties who're fighting are those whom you're close to... Yah, that situation sucks, really... See how I guess... But yah, don't think people like to be in conflict right? Oh well, only time will tell... Ok, I seriously seem to be ranting for this entire paragraph, sorry....

Ok another issue, just typed one whole damn chunk but I deleted it, cause somethings relly can't be said in places such as here... But well, main point is, I've been a very tolerant person for some time... Tolerating and tanking all the crap, all the I dunno, favouritism? Maybe the term is too strong.... But well... I'll just endure like what I've always been doing... Go ahead and let things go your way... Cause, yah you can communicate with everyone much better than I can right? You go soccer crazy, I don't care, go ahead... Use everything just for your soccer only, I don't care too... Maybe I'm at the wrong place at the wrong time, but yah... I'm seriously wondering just how much more will I be able to take... Cause I'm really afraid that one fine day I'll just explode... I know this matter is really small and nothing really serious, but other factors seem to be come into play and once it accumulates, it isn't a nice feeling... Try stepping into my shoes and you might just get a rough idea... At least luckily, I do have avenues whereby I can get a break from some of this stuff... The recent events might be an example... Rah, I'll just endure through all this... But honestly, it's just a small issue, no idea why I'm taking it this way... Oh well... Some things just aren't supposed to be said... Another issue, I really really can't say it here, kind of private/sensitive... Oh well... We all have secrets don't we?

On a lighter note, a few things to look foward to in January 2009, besides the dreaded results... 29th Batch chalet, 6D chalet (I think it's still on), an upcoming Charlie chalet and even, believe it or not, a 4A class gathering... Haha... Was surprised when Zhao Ming told me about it a few days back... It'll be great to see how everyone has grown up since 2002... Ok, excluding Melvin and Wei Shian, since I used to see them like everyday...

Ok, guess I'll end off... Oh yah Tuesday I might be going for something that might change my life... I don't know though, see what happens... Bye people


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail