Sunday, July 29, 2007

Yo people... Ok... I know it's been a long time since I last posted.... Had Common Tests this week... So yeah...

Ok, I'll start off where I left... 20th July was the Shooting Com Finals... Left class at 1250pm... Missed Chinese =P... Then after that went there with the Sec 4s and Sec 1 supporters.... Marched that long stretch of road to the range, registered then sat in the viewing gallery... Can see the people shooting one... Haha... It's a nice place.... Then we waited for some times then had the briefing on what to do and all that.... Siming sir was there.... Lol... Then after that then the Top 10 individual shooters went in... They shot and we were watching... Apparrently in the range there were some cameramen taking live video so the people outside could see us... That means the supporters and all those could see lah... After that the Top 10 came back in.... Louis shot dunno how much.... Can't remember le... Anyway, then the teams started going in already... So the the 11th and 10th teams for boys and girls respectively went in to get ready and all that... Shooting order is from the back.... So we were like 5th team to shoot.... While waiting we went to the toilet... Saw Tian Ming sir with Mr Goh they all... Then went back waited for a while then soon it was our turn le... So we went into some room to collect our targets and wrote our names and all that and lined up outside the range... Apparrently they got cadets from Ngee Ann Sec to help with the target cards... Lol... Yeah, so went in and shot.... Shot lousily.... Zzzz... For my Figure 2 target I never seem to be able to shoot full marks.... That time Classification can shoot full marks now cannot... Wah lau... I suck a lot... Dunno why while shooting my mind went blank... Zzzzz. So in the end I shot rubbish.... 80 something... Felt like kicking myself then... Wei Rong's shots were quite wasted lah... His NRA had cluster shots, just that one of his clusters weren't exactly on the part of the target with points..... No offence Wei Rong..... So in the end our team shot a total of 449.... Sian... That time prelims we shot 504 or something.... I guess my score pulled the team down quite a bit as mine was one of those counted.... If I had shot above 120 that would have pulled us up by a lot... Crap.... So we went back to the viewing gallery feeling quite disappointed..... Anyway, something very funny happened... Mr Chen was in the gallery with us then he was talking to the St Nicholas team (He's the Area Commandant for their Area)... So yeah, then after a while he seemed to be introducing the Sec 4s to them and dunno what... Then heard what he also introducing himself and all that.... LOL... Haha.... Anyway, after that the Sec 4s went to shoot.... They came back with a score of 540++?? I think lah.... Can't remember le.... Quite good... After that was the Top teams for the boys and girls then the Guest of Honour came... They shot.... Then the Guest of Honour and the other officers went for the what novelty shoot... It was shooting some balloons on the Figure 2 target... The Guest of Honour's shooting not bad sia....

After that finished le... So we went out for the Prize Presentation.... Then we saw that St Nicholas sent something like their entire unit to support them.... Wah lau... 1 whole mob there.... Some of the Sec 4s like Darius, Daryl, Shun Yu and Jeffery sirs came.... Yeah, then results were announced.... For individual, Wee Siong sir national 2nd, althought he wanted the first... Lol... Louis 5th and Zheng Jun sir 7th.... Nice.... Then teams Bartley got first for the boys side... Sec 4s for 4th... We got 8th, but no prize... Only top 4 teams get trophies.... The girls' side damn funny.... For the individual shooters St Nicholas own like crazy... All top 3 shooters all from St Nicks.... Ownnage sia..... Then I think the team category they also got first.... Totally own...Their screaming from the supporters weren't shabby either... Lol... After that had some buffet... The food was nice, especially the eclair... Haha... After that when we were collecting our stuff I thought I had lost my ezlink card.... Then found it in between Wei Rong's wallet... Haha... Lucky sia... Then we left.... Marched back to the bus....

Well.... This year's shooting com results were like last year... The saying goes that "No one can blame you as long as you've tried your best" However, I was wondering, did we, or rather I, really gave my best? I dunno... I wonder if I should still be in the team next year... Whatever the case, good job guys.... Next year hopefully the teams will get better results!! =D Oh yeah, we got this as a souvenier:

This was on display during the shoot I guess... So this was what we took the photos for... Haha... They spelled the "Yi" in my name wrongly though... Zzzz.. So yeah, fromn left to right, Myself, Leonard, Louis, Jun Wei and Wei Rong... Sec 3 Shooting Team 2007 =D

Also, heard about the quiz com team... They had to do a tie breaker for a sopt in the finals... They did it on that Saturday 21/7 without much preparation... They didn't get in in the end... Whatever the case, good job guys... Thanks for putting in your best efforts.... =D

Ok, this week was Common Test week... The dreaded Common Tests... Yeah... Monday had English... One speech and one compo... Hopefully can do well... I think I wrote quite ok.... Tuesday Social Studies and Chemistry... This time I definitely won't fail SS again... I hope... Chem was so so bah.... Wednesday Physics and Geography... Physics screwed 2 questions.... Above 27/40 I would be damn happy le... Of course, the higher the better lah... =P Geog was quite ok too I guess.... Thursday A Maths and Biology... A Maths I almost screwed it... Blanked out during the exam... I screwed 2 questions also I think.... Bio was so so also, screwed one or two questions too... Zzzz.. Then after 1 period we had our E Lit test, which was told to us the day before -.- Wah lau... I think I screwed it quite a bit... Didn't write that much... Something like 1 1/2 pages.... Zzz... Friday was Chinese... Paper was so so... The last compre was damn hard to understand.... Argggh... Hope I can do well... Anyway.... Common Tests are over le!!!

After that was training.... Training was NDP training and Air Rifle Com in the rifle range.... Soccer at KCP was cancelled due to the bad weather..... Anyway, helped to set up the air rifles and the range.... Then the participants came... Chun Hui was one of the participants from Guang Yang... Nice to meet him again!! Haha... Anyway, briefing was conducted by Nicholas sir... Then the shoot started.... 25 shots. 20 competitive shots, 5 for sighting aka practice. 5 cards, 4 competitve cards, 1 sighting card.... So yeah... The first detail started off first... I had a good 25 minutes or so before my turn... I was in the 2nd detail.... So I nipped out to see the NDP rehearsal.... Now I know what Yap Chien meant by Mr Yong being a joker during NDP.... Haha... I remember now... During the drum beat to alert the supporting contingents and all that, he would be damn funny... Something like this.... Boom, boom boom! Boom, boom, boom, GO!! Haha... He says it damn funny..... For the boom boom part, if you participated in parades you would understand what it means... Yeah then his timing for marching also... (NCC style) Lup, right, lup, right, lup, right, Luuuuuppp... Haha... Then I went back to shoot le.... Leonard shot about 50++.... I shot with Ben Lee they all.... Then I was like the last one to finish shooting... Luckily never exceed time limit... Had like 5 minutes left for 2 pellets... Haha... So my total score for the 4 competitive cards was 69.... Nice... I'm not exactly sure how my other team mates shot.... I only know that Leonard shot like 48 or something... Hope that we can get the top 3.... Sian... We cannot get the best shooter award again cause some KCP girl own like siao.... 102 points or something leh!!! Damn zai....

After that went to change then did whatever I had to do for the parade... Was told the procedure by Ken.... Then Yan Hao sir took us for a while and all that... Sec 2s still need to work quite a bit on their drills..... Don't really want to say much le....

Then yesterday Ken and I went to KCP for some interview with Mr Azman for some Hong Kong trip.... We had to wear full u.... Zzzz... So met Ken at J8 at around 8++am..... Then we walked to KCP, met the KCP OC at the porch then she directed us to the place and all that... We changed then waited outside some HOD room.... Then I went in first.... Then Mr Azman asked me the standard questions like how your would present yourself, why he should choose me and all that.... Then there was one part where he asked me this "So, you have girlfriend or not?" Then I was at first like ???!!! How come in this interview Mr Azman ask something that is totally like irrelevant? Haha.... Ok, before you start imagining things, my answer is "No".... Yesssirrreee.... Then he continued that part with what got keep in contact with my Pri School friends and dunno what... Damn funny... Then he also said what he never see me before.... Haiz.... AC Parade and POP I was invisible sia.... Haha... Don't really care at the moment.... Lol... After that was Ken's turn.... He also tio some of the funny questions that I got... Haha... After that we left then I left for tuition... In the afternoon, went to army market with Kah Hoe... Bought a whole lot of things as had to buy things for people... The collar pin is expensive sia....

Ok, that sort of sums up my looooong post.... Today did nothing much... Usual routine...

See ya =D

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Brian Wong!!!

Ok, I don't have time... I'll make this really short...

Tomorrow's the big day!! Tomorrow is the National .22 Revolver Shooting Competition FINALS!!!! Really hope that all of will shoot well and Zheng Jun sir, Wee Siong sir and Louis will be able to clinch their Top 3 trophys!!!! We'll all do our best for the unit! For everyone!

Also, all the best to those participating in Games Day Events tomorrow!! Do your best as well guys!! =D

Will update about the week another day... I'm off... See you, hope we'll bring back good news!! =D

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday to Jianxiong! (13th July)

Ok, it's been a week since I blogged... Seriously, nowadays I just don't feel like blogging.... Don't know why... Anyway, one of the main events that happened this week was the SL Investiture.... Honestly speaking, it's my first investiture that I had participated.... So yeah, quite an experience for me.... I went for only like 1 out of the 4 rehearsals? Haha.... Anyway, I guess it went quite well.... Then of course a few minor hiccups... Yeah... Then after that there was some reception for the guests and our school's SLs... Yeah... I didn't talk to any of the guests... I'm not much of a talker... I mean, there's nothing that I can say right? So anyway just talked to my friends and we were kind of having fun.... Haha.... Anyway, took 2 pics. Here they are...

Bottom: Wai Yinn, Terence, Julian Top: Me, Timothy

Me, Richie, Ivan, Jonathan

Somehow, the second pic wasn't very nice..... Haiz.... Yeah, then I lost my phone pouch after that.... Gaaah.... Ok, then went for training.... We did Campcraft revision for the Sec 2s... Then a number of us went to Siming sir's room at the Primary side so that we could check our previous Campcraft test theory papers.... Yeah, then went back, finished Campcraft, played basketball then came home....

Nothing much for the rest of the days... Thursday received our new Class Chairman and Asst. Chairman badges... Yay!! =D Friday was our Campcraft promotion test... Didn't really have the time to study for it.... Screwed it a bit I guess... Especially the orienteering part... Zzzzz.... Yeah... Oh yah, Mrs Chew gave out the NYAA forms... Yay!! Can finally apply for NYAA... If only they started this earlier... The Sec 2s are lucky lor... They can get it much earlier.... Haiz... At lease can apply very happy le..... =D

Oh yah, forgot to mention that on Friday, Samuel was also unlucky enough to have liquid paper spilled over his shirt and pants during Geography lesson... Talk about being unlucky on Friday the 13th.... Haha.... Wanted to upload the pictures but I was too lazy to transfer them from my phone.... =P

Ok, I shall now move on to the depressing parts of this post.....

Ok... Lately I have been doing a bit of reflecting and thinking.... With some recent events, I thought to myself and wondered why I am here... Sometimes I really feel that I just some really extra guy who is here to screw people's lives as much as possible, to irritate people and create more burdens and problem for them.... Then of course, I realize that I am someone who doesn't really have any strong points, I just average or lousy in practically everything... Perhaps the best thing I'm at is wasting time... Yeah... I'm at a total loss of why on earth am I here sometimes..... I can't contribute to anything... Then I'm sometimes always misunderstood and all that rubbish.... Especially by my parents... It's something like if my results are lousy... I feel down in school, then when I go home, I don't really put on the "worried face". So my parents think that I'm not worried about my studies at all.... That's rubbish.... Cause I AM worried... I just don't show it... Then when I tell them that they don't usually listen... One example of this was when I got my PSLE results... I got like 247... And I was quite disappointed in the classroom..... I was expected to get 255+ like that according to my parents, and when I passed my parents the results slip... It was something that I didn't really want to do... Then in the car I was scolded for not being remorseful that I got lousy results... Ok, no offence to anyone here.... I was like, I felt lousy in the classroom already and I didn't want to show the school that I was crying so I controlled myself... Then there I got this kind of remarks.... It's really depressing to hear all this.... It's a really lousy feeling.... Yeah then when my parents scold me, then when I feel that there's injustice I say it then I get scolded for talking back to them, especially my Mum..... I guess now they think that I'm becoming some rebellious person and worst of all is that sometimes they think I learned it from my squadmates.... -.- That's crap.... Ok, I don't hate my parents or anything, I never did.... I always loved them, but sometimes I feel that they don't really appreciate me as their son.... But I told myself, the reason why their scolding you is because of yourself... You brought it upon yourself.... So you can't blame them..... I feel a bit empty these days..... But like I said, I don't hate my parents and I know I brought these things upon myself.... But I guess I'm just feeling a lot of mixed emotions now... I don't even know what I'm really typing now.... I guess I need a bit of a morale booster.... Why am I here?

Anyway, please don't come tagging and try to comfort me or whatsoever.... I really don't need it... Really.... I just need a bit of time to think about things...

Next part here.... Well... I read something and I felt very guilty of what I said to you.... I really shouldn't have said it.... They way I saw your face blacken I knew I had said the wrong thing.... I'm sorry.... However, they way you phrased your criticism, it made it sound as though I was totally in the wrong and I was some selfish idiot and all that.... Well.... Let me get this straight... I didn't go and spread, as you deem "propoganda", to them... I was meerly saying something that I felt should be said before everyone gets affected and our efforts from everyone would go to waste.... I didn't go up to them and say that you better stay or else or anything.... I had told them that it was ultimately their choice and I couldn't force them to do anything... You weren't there when I had made my "speech", so don't make assumptions just because of my reaction that day when you talked to me about this... I had said that... True enough, I was mad at that other certain person who just did what he did... But I never said anything about you being a what conman and liar? I didn't vent my anger on you.... I was merely stating something that I believed anyone else would also have done if they knew the situation well enough.... It was protecting everyone's hopes and dreams.... So now, many in 3-10 think that I'm some crazy idiot who is obssessed with his passion? Well, if you were me perhaps you would feel the same as I do... But you're not, that's why all of you make such remarks.... I'm not some selfish idiot who thinks I am the world or something.... Even some of my supposed best friends in my class are saying about me being crazy about it.... Now, I just don't want one stupid person to destroy our friendship.... I hope we can start over, just like we met at the beginning of the year.... You were one of my good friends that time.... But if you wish to keep your mentality that I'm like that as what you think now... Then I have nothing left to say... As a friend, I really hope that things would return to normal and no more misunderstandings may arise..... Let us stop this.... Both of us..... Please.....

It's the end of my post....

Anyway, all the best to all those taking the HCL O Level listening Compre.... Do well =D

This upcoming week has nothing much... Perhaps only shooting com finals... After that is the dreaded exams.... I fear those very badly now....

Again, I shall really try to update as much as possible... See you around people....

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday to Wai Yinn! (6th July)

Hi people... Sorry for the lack of updates.... Just don't really feel like blogging these few days....

Ok, this week was quite busy then I was like dead tired for the whole week.... A lot of stuff learned... Then yeah, a lot of stuff happened but I won't bother to elaborate....

Anyway, for NP nothing really much too... Wednesday went for Dry Prac at Tanglin again but I was like screwing up my aiming... I think I may pull down the team on the 20th... zzzz.. Then Friday's training was quite crappy..... Dunno how many people were late for training because of what D&T project haven't finish... Last Term's one somemore..... -.- Then got someone never even come for training after his work.... Wah lau..... Then I took opening parade.... Two contingents.... Bangs for the parade was total rubbish.... -.- Then Yan Hao sir and Nicholas sir came for training.... Then we also got our Total Defence Silver.... Finally..... As for those guys who didn't get it, go for your other badges and your rank as well ok? It's not the end of the world.... =D

This coming week.... Big events.... Firstly.... Mastery Reviews! Class Test... Haha.... For Chemistry and Biology... Bio supposed to take on Friday then the CMC meeting dragged then missed the test.... Zzzz..... As for this week's Physics..... Hope I'll do well for it.....

Also.... Wednesday is the SLB Investiture... I have no idea why I should be happy about it.... I'm not getting any crap or what lah... Well, but my friends are and as a friend, I'll support them =D Then Friday is the campcraft promotion test... I'm damn scared for it.... Seeing that there are 3 tests this week.... No pass = No promote = Dreams shattered AGAIN..... So yeah.... Will have to go and do my best.... Hope the rest of you guys will do! =D

By the way.... One thing.... Last week, the last soccer matches were played at the National Stadium before it is torn down for the new sports hub..... Well.... I too have memories there.... Last year, 1st of July was the SYFOC Parade.... It was my first experience in a parade on a national level.... That experience was great.... That day at the parade square we marched out in beat with the band and with so many people watching... It was fun =D So yeah, that's my main experience at the National Stadium.... Besides one of the football matches my Dad brought me to there ages ago....

Oh yah, then my brother told me that someone had told him that I look scary when I'm with my serious look.... Wah lau!!! Scary??? Haiz..... Haha...

Another week approaches.....

Will try to update as much as possible....... Meanwhile, keep tagging guys =D

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail