Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hi folks.... Highlight of today..... Classification shoot!!!!!

We left class at about 1:30pm and went to change into full-u. The top part of my uniform is like quite small liao..... Need to change...... Put our bags in the stall and went to fall in at the General Office. Miss Tan came, Mr Lee came, Mr Goh came (he didn't come with us though) and Peck Hor sir came. Tian Ming sir also came to give us some last tips for the shoot. Then we went to HTA.....

Marched to the range once we alighted...... I gave the timing at first then I guess I was off form today and couldn't give the timing properly.... So got changed.....

Reached the range, officers helped us fill in the necessary forms and we were briefed by Desmond sir. Then we went to shoot. Lol, like damn fast reach us.....

So, we took a target card, which was quite big, then we were like waiting excitedly for our turn as the others were shooting inside.... Lol... Sound like compo..... So went in. Started with 12 rounds at 9m first. To shoot inside the target boundary was three points. To shoot inside this rectangular box in the target is 5 points. So the score is over 90. (Maximum score is 18*5=90)
Tried to do the first, second pressure but the first six rounds i pressed and it fired... Wth.... Second set of 6 rounds, had a number of shots with the pressures and some without. The last 6 rounds at 15m I focused a bit more on the first, second pressure..... Finished shooting then returned the empty shells then went to have scores counted. Lols Jason take like damn long to shoot..... His officer kept talking to him.... Haha....

So..... I got my marksmanship badge!!! Yea!!!!! Our squad has 4 sharpshooters (score is 90/90)/ They are Louis, Me, Leonard and Wei Rong. Congrats guys :D Unfortunately, we have three people who did not get the badge, one passed, two failed (pass---45/90) One even got 0 points..... Don't worry guys, at least you had a chance to fire a revolver :D This doesn't affect your post anyway..... :D

So in Area 4, there are 12 sharpshooters, and 4 of them come from Cat High!!! Woohoo!!! One-third leh....

So this Friday we have to go to KCP by 3pm in half-u for dunno what. Sounds like the prize presentation ceremony i guess...... If there is PNCO on Friday then I can kiss it goodbye......

Sian.... Friday is also my make-up SPA for physics, how?????

Tomorrow there is NPDP training again..... Didn't have time to polish my stuff..... Shoot.......

After the ride from school to HTA, and then after marching in, I suddenly began to doubt myself again..... Can I really do it? Or am i just giving myslef false hope that i can achieve something so high and good..... Crap.....

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hi.... Nothing much today.... Had Biology SPA, relatively straightfoward one. We were supposed to test for protein, starch and glucose in 5 unknown solutions. Quite ok.... Reginald broke a beaker..... Lol.....

Then during Chemistry lesson, this cockroach came into the classroom and Boon Siang just smacked it with some board and stamped on it..... Lol.... It was damn loud and it interrupted Mr Thomas.... Haha....

After school Tian Ming sir gave us some pratice for classification shoot. After that went to play soccer at the primary school basketball court. Almost kena owned..... There was one primary school guy from the volleyball team who like kept scolding his team mates..... Haha.... Sort of reminds us of oursleves when we were young. Jit Hin has some nice moves..... Haha..... Played like siao until 6+pm. Haven't gotten so involved in sports for some time.... Feels good :D

Came home and polished all my stuff.... My boots and belt that is.....

Tomorrow is classification shoot!!! Hope everyone can get the marksmanship badge..... With a few people with full marks too :D Wish us luck!!!!

My classroom is in a total mess. Prepared to pump tomorrow..... Wait, there is hair check.... Nah, I'm safe. At least I think I am. XD

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ok, back again.... I really need to think of ways to start an entry......

Anyway, Friday we were dismissed at 12 with recess at 1130 so actually we had half an hour more. Then again, mr yong teached us for a while more before releasing us. I now realise something, I don't like statistics..... Damn tedious..... Somemore tomorrow there is some mastery review on standard deviation...... Sian..... 3D trigo is fun actually :)

After that ate at the primary school canteen and met Ken, Jason, Jun Wei, Terence and Kian Boon there. Joined by Tong Yang after that. LTY changed his phone and he's obsessed with it and keeps playing songs..... Haha, no surprise...... Terence was playing that giant chess set with Jason and kept getting owned, some which were my fault :P After that went to change into half-u, then went for NPDP while the rest had "yeoman service". Not sure what that's supposed to be, some sort of marshalling I guess.

After that we went to HTA with Jacky sir accompanying us. Long time never see him liao...... There were a lot of extra people today and the CIs kept saying got a lot of spare parts then if we screwed up then would be changed..... Damn sian..... We went to draw rifles and then there was the march in with the whole miltary band. I think it's the same as the one which participated in the SYFOC. The conductor was Mr Anthony. With the band the parade is damn nice.... Crappy thing is that when the GOH do Jadigan Dua Barisan, there is hardly any space to do our drills. I kept rusoking into Terence's shirt... Lol.... Imagine if we use bayonets as well, what would happen...... The last practice we did was without the band as they had to go back. Then the whole practice was damn screwed, especially the march pass..... For some reason I got pissed, perhaps of the screwed up crap.... Then when we were marching back after returning the rifles, this idiot from dunno what school was fooling around with the timing. Stupid idiot.... By the way, there is this SI from Hwa Chong I think who just joined our contingent. Lol, he doesn't seem to have the SI look. Still, he is so what to do? It's not like that affects us anyway.

We returned to school with the bus being damn noisy..... Oh yah, I forgot to mention, on the way to HTA, one of the Sec 2 Whitely girls kept asking LTY for his name and she thought he was Ken.... Lol.... Then she kept talking to him..... Haha... I kept teasing him for that after that.... Haha...

It seems like Linus will be able to go for classification shoot with us after all. He went for dry practice on friday and he's going again tomorrow. So there is still a chance that we can beat the 28th Batch's record by having all marksman.... Tuesday is the classification shoot liao...... Gonna be damn interesting.....

Oh yah, I can use msn liao... Decided to use the desktop instead of my com since my com cannot access it. So yeah, add me if you want: dranzerv22@hotmail.com I should have added most of you except for those who don't display their email somewhere..... I'll probably be online mostly on weekends... Weekdays need to see first..... If you need to send me emails, you can send to that one or dranzerv22@yahoo.com.sg Almost no difference.... But I like the yahoo one, easier to use i guess.......Ok gotta go, bye.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Well.... Back here again.... Quite a few things happened these few days.

Let's see..... Monday went to HTA to collect our No. 1..... 12 of us went with Si Ming sir to collect our uniform..... Had to wait damn long in senang diri position in a line as we were waiting for some other schools to collect their uniform. Some people in front were actually changing their uniform parts. I reckon we stood there for like almost twenty minutes to half an hour? Luckily there were a few periods for adjustments, otherwise we'd be screwed...... Then went in to try out the different sizes. Then we got the remaining parts to the uniform like the embrioded crest, buttons etc....

After that we went to the HTA cafeteria to eat something, then returned to school. Lol.... The bus which brought us to HTA was one big bus for 13 people, then for the journey back, the bus was those mini types.... Lol.... Return journey was basically talk cock session with lots of lame jokes.... Haha...

Tuesay went blackbox after school, was like damn rushed and had to bring my lunch there to eat, that was at 5++pm.... -.- Late huh..... Next week will be missing lesson again cause its classification shoot next week.....

Wednesday, had NPDP training. Missed assembly for lunch and we went to fall in at 1:45pm I think.... Finally managed to do a rough parade procedure. Quite nice.....

Today, nothing much. Mr Yong did standard deviation for maths.....

Tomorrow is Sports Night! The rest have to do some marshalling duty I think.... While we shall go for NPDP again!!! Hope Mr Thomas comes tomorrow, or it'll be his third day in a row taking MC and Edward house would be without his housemaster.....

Good luck to those competing tomorrow :D

I'm getting more and more emo lately. Maybe it's because of the recent turn of events..... I have no motivation to study as well.... What's wrong with me????!!!!

Thanks Mr Talib for the encouraging advice today by the way.... Really appreciate it. :D

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ok... Quick post before I sleep.

It's now thw end of the holidays :( Tomorrow will be the start of another round of hetic schedules and all that. What's more, this term will be when many CCAs will be passing on their leadership roles to the Sec 3s, SLB included. So, it sounds eventful and stressful. Damn scared about a lot of subjects... Just can't think straight.....

Tomorrow we're going to HTA to collect our first-u. So exciting..... :D

Ah well.... Time to sleep.... Good luck guys..... You'll need it.... Joking.... :D

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Yo..... This is my 50th post...... Still remember that I started my blog somewhat during the FYE last year.... Lol.....

Anyway, had City Venture Recee today with the NCOs. Paired up with Jeffrey sir. We boarded the chartered bus and set off. Basically, we went around different parts of Singapore where the checkpoints were and tried to find tasks for the checkpoints. City Venture is a bit like the Amazing Race by the way.... Anyway, Jia Han sir, Rui Xian sir and I think Zi Ming sir were the OICs for the event. So we went to quite a few places. Tried to create tasks but it was pretty difficult with all the restrictions and stuff.....

In the bus it was like quite slack... Half the time we were talking, listening to music or sleeping. Lol.... Everyone was like damn high at first.... Especially Wee Siong sir.... Lol..... Damn funny..... Then after that we sort of cheesed off some people then it became a bit..... tensed up....... Had something like two breaks. Si Ming sir and Clement sir joined us halfway....

We ended at around six. Everyone got lectured by Thiam Meng sir for our behaviour and all that, which I agree. We were damn active today.....

Then had some reflections with Si Ming sir before we went to the food court for dinner, then took the MRT home with Louis, Jason and Xing Yu.

Tomorrow morning still need to do the filming for the damn English project..... Sian.....

In a flash, this one week is nearly over and its then time for the stress all over again..... I seriously must improve and do my best in everything.....

Well, that's all here, see ya around :D

Friday, March 16, 2007

Hi guys.... Today was NP training at school (duh).

Fell in at the plaza at 9am today. Second time wearing full-u since the beginning of the year..... First time reporting for uniform inspection since the beginning of the year. Cool huh? With all the activities like OAL and NPDP, I hardly get to go for normal training.

So anyway, got pumped for the sides of my boots and my belt. Not shiny enough.... Guess I need to work more for my sides. My belt is friggin difficult to polish..... It's the newer kind and it's damn hard to make it like Kah Hoe's or some others...... Ah well, I'll try harder....

Anyway, there were 3 opening parades cause it's apparrently part of the sirs' first class drill test. So Zi Ming sir, Tuck Wai sir and Sui Chuan sir did the test. Finished with that and we went to change into PT kit. Had some warm up then played soccer. Troy sir taught us some techniques to work on.... Good advice.... Played a few matches then went to change into mufti. Saw the IT club having their camp during water break.

After that was something unexpected. We got a chance to shoot the air rifles! Woo! We haven't touched those since our Sec 1 camp. So Si Ming sir was the main officer taking us. Shao Ming sir and Nicholas Cheng sir came back to help. Then Yan Hao sir for some reason was also seen in the range. So, we had a chance to shoot 10 rounds. I must say it's a lot easier now than in Sec 1 cause we weren't very strong and were unable to lift the rifles properly. There's this point system and well, since it was our first time in 2 years, we scored.... not bad. I got 29 points. Quite an achievement, to me that is. May seem like nothing but it does mean something to me.....

After that was lunch break and nearly the whole squad ate Ba Chor Mee at the Bishan Market area. Jason went on his non-eating frenzy again and he ate like some ice-cream or something like that. Kah Hoe apparrently was still feeling full from his breakfast. Lol.....

We came back, changed into half-u and went to Tanglin Police Division for Dry Practice again.... Had in a way "hardcore training" for dry practice. Still, hopefully all of us can attain our marksmanship badge. :D Came back and played soccer....

Tomorrow's the City Venture Recee. Whole day burned...... Hope it'll be fun.....

I'm so screwed for the English video project.......

Hope Sec 2s enjoyed their arms drill training today cause arms drill is quite fun. :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hi, I'm back!!! Time to revive my stagnant blog. A lot of things have happened this few weeks, shan't bother to elaborate.

Want to crap about some funny things which happened lately.

Last Saturday we went to Leonard's house to complete our CSSP project. To make a long story short, that pa jiao guy mistook 969 for 169 and led us all the way to some interchange at Tampines. Lol.... He paid for the taxi fare back...... We finished the project and I left about 5. The other 2 left at like 10....... They say they tai di all the way and went dunno where for dinner....

Monday there was NP training and the Sec 3s had flagstaff training and NAPFA. Before the NAPFA test, we were hydrating ourselves at the water cooler ourside the auditorium. Apparrently, the Sec 1s were also having a water break. They saw us at that water cooler then they went to the one at the D&T toilet. The last few stragglers followed suit.

Then there was this one Sec 1 who was still there queing up to drink at the water cooler where we were. Being seniors, we told him nicely that he should have unity and drink from the same water cooler as his squadmates. Then, he daoed us. As in he looked at us when we told him then he ignored us. That's not the worst...... After telling him twice or thrice, he told us "I know you want to drink first." WTF?!?!? I'm not angry with him for that as he's still Sec 1 and needs to learn. But I'm amazed at the kind of answers that he can actually come up with..... I don't know if "lol" is the right phrase here. I'm struck speechless.....

Yesterday was dry practice at Tanglin Police Division. Seeing my performance at dry practice, I'm starting to doubt whether I can even get the Marksmanship badge, let alone get into the shooting team. People say it's damn easy but I see myself and I think it's not so simple as it seems..... I guess I'll try my best....

Slacking away now.... Don't feel like doing any work........

This is not a threat, but I'll tell you here (though i don't think you read my blog....), I'm not going down without a fight. I'm going to do my best to beat you to the post. Though many think that you definitely cannot make it, I think otherwise. You are still my biggest competitior. I'm going to give it my best shot and I hope you do too.

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com