Sunday, November 27, 2011

More thoughts since yesterday. With our time in training phase coming to and end soon, I can't help but surface this thoughts into typing, just to let it out. I guess the inate instinct in me is to always try to aim for the best. Though my actions don't really show it, there's always that feeling of wanting to achieve something. Maybe it's the way I was brought up, I always wanted to be someone who was respected by others. Over the years in the things I did, I did try. In NP I wanted to attain the rank of SI, cause in those days the ranks and badges were everything. As a CI, I hoped to be one who was inspiring and able to influence the juniors to become better people. As a floorball player, I wanted to be one of the best in terms of skills and an asset in the court. As the Captain once I wanted to be able to get the team to get out of the so called 'poverty cycle', as well as to train the juniors well, at the same time bring up the name of the CCA. Obviously I failed in quite a lot of those dreams

Now I just hope to achieve one of the dreams since becoming a CI, to be able to wield a sword for comms parade. But no chances at the moment cause of some reasons :/ Haiz


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail