Sunday, November 27, 2011

又回到最初的起點, 記憶中妳青澀的臉, 我們終於來到了這一天. 桌墊下的老照片, 無數回憶連結

Watched 那些年,我們一起追的女孩 at AMK Hub with Leon, Wai Yinn and Eugene today before the bbq at his house to celebrate his birthday. The movie really had quite an impact on us I guess, especially on WY, Leon and myself. In short, I feel the movie was really well made, with a storyline that's somewhat dramatical yet realistic. The comical parts of it did lighten the mood of it, yet at the end I think the director managed to get the viewers feeling almost the same thing. It really is a nice movie, definitely worth watching, if not a few times at least

The 3 of us were still kinda affected by the movie up till now, basically cause we could in a way relate to it in one way or another. For myself, it kinda brought me back to thinking about last year again. I might have exaggerated some of my thoughts along the way, but the essence is probably the same. Putting effort for someone, in the end the story doesn't go the way you hoped it would be. As we discussed, it definitely sucks to see the person you really care for love someone else. The movie did depict a typical example of life how we never know whether the decisions we make at that certain point of time would have changed our fate, with things or with people. Once simple sentence or action could have moulded the future happenings. Along the way, could we have missed our chances with the ones we love? Perhaps we are too young to be reflecting so far in our lives. Still, for some of the things we went through, the simple question: Could it have been something else? Something better? I remember somewhat caring a great deal about the person, I remember doing all sorts of stupid things for her, trying to get her attention and stuff. She was the first person I got flowers for, it was a pretty epic decision, but well guess the in those moments my mind came out with crazy ideas. Sadly, nothing came out of it. I really had to force myself to forget about her cause I had to study for A's. I admit at times I had to force myself to purposely ignore her presence to prevent my emotions from going roller coaster. Nowadays I somehow wished I didn't have to resort to that. Days passed and I guess I really had to thank my classmates for helping me to keep my mind off things. I still remember the day of the 24th of July. It was the afternoon which I walked a great deal from AMK central to Bishan on foot to head for tuition, crying along the way, torn obviously. Think I took an hour or something. Thankfully I bumped into Wen Qi on the way which brought me back to my senses a little. It's been more than a year since all that happened. Yet I've no idea why it keeps coming back to me like a boomerang. The harder I throw, the more it comes back. I took a helluva time to get over it, perhaps I never really did. I remember someone telling me a statement that 'There are some things which I didn't know' about your decisions and stuff. Maybe. Perhaps I would never know, like in the movie how the path was set for them two main characters to be together, but the unknown took them to a different fate. Some things might be better off not being known either. The only consolation from all this? I guess I can only be grateful that our friendship managed to be salvaged. Initially I wanted to resort to the so called bitter method of 'okay screw this I don't want to see your face again so I won't have to remember anything and be hurt by my own memories'. I realised there was no point actually. I saw it as that once you pushed barriers with your heart and it fails, yet it remains peaceful, the person becomes a different type of friend. Like her, she became a really special friend to me, someone you still care dearly for. In a sense, I'm still grateful nonetheless. It's gonna be really hard thing to watch her be with someone else and give your blessings for her. But like they say, if you truly care for that person, you'll be happy for her no matter what.

Leon and I were kinda discussing about how school is quite a nice time to build the '感情' in the starting part of a relationship, cause of the common medium of school where you can sort of spend time without compromising travelling and stuff, in a way. Guess we might not ever experience something like JC life again. And hearing how busy uni life is from people, and knowing how I'll get myself wrapped up in ten thousand things again, we might never have a chance again?

Since then, maybe it's partially cause of army and stuff. The things I used to believe in didn't matter anymore. I can't bring myself to experience those rushes of emotions like last year when it first started out. I admit I can't exactly say there haven't been chances, several doors definitely opened with time but my own mind seems to have been blocked, blocked by fear, blocked by a somewhat maturation? I seem to consider so many things now, the endless what ifs seem to get the better of me. I find it hard to feel sometimes I admit. Only the immediate happenings seem tangible to plan for. I remember adopting the outlook of 'Live, Laugh and Love' in life after that period. That perhaps shaped a bit of my current thinking. I can give my all for you, anyone who I deem as I would like to have you in my life, friends and family. It'll just be nice if others would do the same for you. Quoted from the lead male actor in the movie: 'I hope to make the world feel a little better because of my presence.'

In this aspect, I came to realise: sometimes it sucks to be growing up. you start to lose the innocence of your thoughts, you start to believe less in the intangibles like affection, sentiments, appreciation for simple kindness. And one of the hardest things about growing up, is learning to let go of those things and people that were once dear to you. And when letting go, we have to be understanding that things like that occur in life. Still, we continue what we do, hoping that those who mattered won't forget you along the way, hopefully the relationship won't fade with time. To some sentiment freak like myself, it'll be damn hard to let go of stuff, seeing how I keep revisiting NP, CHS and NJ and stuff. I'll have to learn someday I guess.

It's been a long while since I purged out so many of my thoughts here. Feels a little better, somewhat. Hopefully this won't affect anyone but myself. Not as though I wasn't in the wrong for any of the mentioned things. The readership of my blog is kinda negligible nowadays so I guess it doesn't really matter. Just some of my thoughts here. Perhaps it's the sudden influx of thoughts showing a lack of self esteem, more on that another time. Or perhaps it's the recent spam of songs from The Script that has been affecting my thoughts.

So all in all, as we walk on with our backs to the ashes of the past, how would life go on from here?

The movie has an amazing song to accompany it. Really touching and meaningful, I really enjoy it

《那些年》-- 胡夏



回到教室座位前後 故意討妳溫柔的罵
黑板上排列組合 妳捨得解開嗎

好想擁抱妳 擁抱錯過的勇氣

好想告訴妳 告訴妳我沒有忘記



好想擁抱妳 擁抱錯過的勇氣

好想告訴妳 告訴妳我沒有忘記


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail