Saturday, December 25, 2010

Don't really have much to say I guess, my mind's a little stoned, can't think...

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone! (:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Greetings from Taiwan! The past 3 days have been quite nice. Tuesday took the plane to HK, transfer flight got delayed or something. Reached Taipei city. Next day took a train to this area called Hua Lian. So far we've been looking around the area and stuff. The scenery at the mountain areas is really magnificent. The food's quite nice too! Heading back to Taipei city tomorrow. Christmas in the city lol.. Too bad didn't get to bump into Wazy lol. And I realised my Chinese is really horrible zzz

Side note, sucks to be treated like a freaking idiot :/ Then again, luckily the other one would be more capable huh, don't have to worry them so much

Really random, but I suddenly felt like playing floorball halfway during the day lol. Must be cause I talked to SK on Monday lol. Oh well, anyway hope the next few days shall be interesting! And my phone has no roaming so I can't connect to any service provider, can't even make calls during emergencies like when I'm lost or something, sian.. Luckily wherever I'm staying has internet haha, a slight consolation at the very least

Yeah, maybe distractions are the key. Oh well

Monday, December 20, 2010

This broken heart can still survive, with a touch of your grace. Now that we're here, now that we've come this far, just hold on

Met Jun Wei and Kah Hoe for lunch at Northpoint just now before going to Leonard's house. Saw Lillian at Northpoint (: Played Deal, PS3 and then real soccer at the same basketball court that we played at after POP haha. Played with some kids in the end. Old man team ftw! After that the whole lot of us went to Northpoint (again) for dinner. Left with Kah Hoe in the end since I couldn't stay over. Everyone's still as funny as ever haha. 29th! (:

They say that if a song, or a movie is able to move you with it's content and it's meanings, it's successful. Maybe I'm the type who's not as critical as others, whatever that seems to grab my attention and attracts me with it's tune or concept is probably going to be a song/show that I'll like. Recently, I seem to have been moved by quite a number of shows and songs and stuff. Maybe it's the 'goodbye' mood thingy. To be honest, I'm really dreading this upcoming period when I have to start saying goodbye to people. Call me paranoid, I guess I'm just really scared of losing those I've gained an attachement with. Logically speaking, yes I won't really 'lose' people. Oh well. Guess having NS as the next phase of life seems to have put an entire block in my view of the immediate future :/ ZK told me the other day that his mum told him that one shouldn't have too much an attachment to anyone, or even anything. Cause it'll be really hard to let go. As much as the statement has it's merits, I might not totally agree with it. Then again, I'm probably one who needs time to let go of things that I'm really attached to. With people going overseas and going different directions to their paths of success, what's next? CHSNPCC 29th, NJ Floorball, what'll be the next to play as a major component of my life?

On other things, this was the part that I once knew, this was the part that's all too familiar, this was the part got me in.. This is probably a rare instance of one whom I really managed to really connect and relate to. Not often does this occur, especially with them. Maybe I was just trying to convince myself before this, but it wasn't really true in the end? It's pretty unfair to people if inaccurate concepts are established isn't it? Seeing beyond the imperfections might give one the bigger picture. Might have said things that meant otherwise, but I guess I'll just acknowledge the truth. Difficult as it may be at present, I'll just stay true to that cause. No one has to know, do they? Sometimes fate has a funny way of proving certain points to you, like how my initial discontentment with people got resolved. Maybe this was part of the plan too lol. Another paragraph created from a wild and abstract though lol

It's funny also how we seem to be who we are based on what we're exposed to. Like we tend to learn a bit from anything we go through. Personally, who I am seems to have been influenced by all those around me. Take the style of how trainings are conducted in NP when I go back for example, there's always a word 'gentlemen' coming from me. Influenced by Mr Julian Teo lol. It's interesting to see what I learnt from you, you and you too. It's an amalgamation of exposures lol. People react differently to different things as well based on their own experiences and personalities too right?

Alright, so leaving for Taiwan tomorrow morning. Hopefully the trip will be fun. Though I admit I'm not that excited, since Christmas is going to be spent overseas again :/ Wanted to go out and spend it with friends for a change, oh well. Should appreciate this trip still. Would probably be harder to have family trips in future after this.. Whatever the case, to all my friends out there, Merry Christmas in advance! Hopefully can get internet one of these days in the hotels (:

Also, to my fellow Charlie-ans of D'08, Happy second year anniversary! (:

Moved by this song, discovered it during the singing session last week lol. Part of the phase of inspiration for this past week (:

What About Now -- Daughtry

Shadows fill an empty heart as love is fading
From all the things that we are but are not saying
Can we see beyond the scars and make it to the dawn?

Change the colours of the sky and open up to
The ways you made me feel alive, the ways I loved you
For all the things that never died
To make it through the night, love will find you

What about now? What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late, what about now?

The sun is breaking in your eyes to start a new day
This broken heart can still survive with a touch of your grace
Shadows fade into the light
I am by your side, where love will find you

What about now? What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love, it never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late, what about now?

Now that we're here, now that we've come this far
Just hold on
There is nothing to fear, for I am right beside you
For all my life, I am yours

What about now? What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?

What about now? What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late, baby, before it's too late
Baby, before it's too late, what about now?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

It hurts to say, I've tried to hold on as you slowly slipped away. Come back again, it's almost easy

Okay, main thing on Friday was the mini outing with 29th. Couldn't wake up in the morning so decided not to go for whatever I had planned for initially. Went to CHS at about 4, as usual everyone was late lol -_- Next earliest was Cliff, so just played a bit first. Started raining so used the indoor court. My shots all off sia zzz. So in the end, played a few games of basketball with Leonard, Yibin, Wei Rong, Clifton, Kah Hoe and Kian Boon. Played until about 7, joined by Jason, Benjamin and Jun Wei. Headed for dinner at the green plate chicken rice!! The one near the bus interchange. Awesome as usual! Side note, I lost my right contact lens on the way to CHS -.- Damn annoyed. Okay after that headed to AMK for Lan at Raiders. CS-ed a bit, then everyone got tired haha. It was nice meeting everyone again! Tomorrow another gathering at Leo's house haha

Yesterday, woke up late (again ._.). Went to Tanglin C.C to meet Jaron, Nigel, Panyu, Zhong Xi, Wei Jian and World Champ lol. Played basketball and badminton. In the mid day sun lol, so got a little sunburnt haha. Everyone cui-ed after like two hours. Went Just Acia at Dhoby for lunch. JZ left his wallet and handphone there after the meal -.- Win. Luckily he managed to get it back man. Lan-ed a bit. Played Dota hahaha, still kena owned, though for the first time I managed to hit beyond level 20! Progress! Hahaha :D Met my family for dinner at Turf City, then Jon, Boon Siang and Wai Yinn came over to stay. Played deal, talk a bit then the usual Halo. Then everyone knocked out. All cui diao haha. Nothing really much today, save for the arrival of some new furniture

Nuts, my internet connection sucks at the moment zzz... And not exactly in the right state of mind to type stuff ._. Another time then. On another note, whatever happened to not being useless anymore to them? :/

It's almost easy to say, but truth be told. It isn't exactly what it seems, for one side at least

Almost Easy -- Avenged Sevenfold

I feel insane
Every single time I'm asked to compromise
'Cause I'm afraid and stuck in my ways
And that's the way it stays
So how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance?
By the look on your face I may have forced the scale to tip

I'm not insane, I'm not insane
I'm not insane, I'm not… not insane

(I'm not) Come back to me it's almost easy
(Sad it all) Come back again it's almost easy

Shame pulses through my heart from the things I've done to you
It's hard to face but the fact remains that this is nothing new
I left you bound and tied with suicidal memories
Selfish beneath the skin but deep inside I'm not insane

I'm not insane, I'm not insane
I'm not insane, I'm not… not insane

(I'm not) Come back to me it's almost easy
(Sad it all) Come back again it's almost easy
(You'll learn your lesson) Come back to me it's almost easy
(But still you fall) Come back again it's almost easy

Now that I've lost you it kills me to say
(Hurts to say)
I've tried to hold on as you've slowly slipped away
I'm losing the fight, I've treated you so wrong now let me make it right
(Make it alright)

I'm not insane, I'm not insane
(ha ha ha ha ha)
I'm not insane, I'm not… Not insane

(I'm not) Come back to me it's almost easy
(Sad it all) Come back again it's almost easy
(You'll learn your lesson) Come back to me it's almost easy
(But still you fall) Come back again it's almost easy

Friday, December 17, 2010

Open my eyes, it was only just a dream..

Okay, last official training of the year for floorball :/ Woke up late again cause I was watching X Men Origins last night -.- Managed to go down in time to watch 1.5 periods of the girls' friendly with NYJC. Well, I guess I've shared what I could. There's still more potential! Hope they'll be able to reach a new level by the time Nationals arrive (: The friendly with the junior guys wasn't as planned. Most of the team was damn late lol. Started at about 12 or so. Played about 1.5 periods? Had 2 full lines, so not bad! With 1 girls' line for each side, had a 4 lines VS 3 lines match. Were down 2-0 at first, then after that we kept shooting then miss hell a lot haha. Final score was 3-2 in our favour before the RP personnel chased us out lol. Overshot by too long liao. Wasted sia! Hopefully can have one more proper one in January before enlistment! Scored one with one of the weirdest turns ever lol. Nice goals by Yong Le and Yi Jun! Had lunch at RP then some of the guys came over to my house, joined by Joanne and Kimberly. Talked cock and played cards while someone tried to do her homework haha. Ended up playing piano before we decided to catch a movie since Jerrell had some debit card for GV that expires next week haha

Dinner at Bishan S11 with Eugene, Jerrell, and Jason. Joined by Daryl, Joanne and Kimberly. Jun Xiang and Jing Rong left first. So we ended up watching Tron Legacy. Thought it was pretty cool, though a little hard to understand for some parts. Some of the stuff there reminds me of Halo and Star Wars haha. After that took a walk from AMK central back home. Quite fun to just walk with a blank mind, the night ambience is pretty nice!

And so in this case, this kinda marks the end of the time I can spend with the floorball people. Not sure when will be the next time :/ I guess these things, especially the outings today inspired me a bit. For one, I have to admit that there was a period of time I wasn't really happy with the team and stuff, cause of the numerous problems that came up and the stuff that seemed to keep lacking no matter how hard you tried. Yet after last weekend's chalet, the half match and the outing. I've regained my attachment to my teammates in floorball, perhaps this time with a stronger feeling. I guess as time passes things change, thankfully this was for the better. Maybe this was an event to wake me up from that cynical mindset. Thanks so much guys, for all these times, the laughter, the jokes (hell lot man), the spiritual support, the camaraderie. Meet up again soon man! (:

Another thing I managed to take away was from the movie Tron itself. In short, this phrase kind impacted me (edited a bit, couldn't remember the whole thing): "We try to seek and achieve perfection in this imperfect world, yet at times it's been right in front of us all this while" I guess this speaks a lot. As part of the things that we're gonna do in future, with our jobs, family etc. How are we gonna live it? To blindly seek all the wonders of luxury? Or are there more meaningful aims to fufill? In school, the final objective is always about preparing for your final national exam and picking up skills along the way. Though we might forget our main objective at times, it's always easier to identify. Once we step into the 'real world' and join the ranks of the working world, would we be able to find out objective(s) as easily as before? Just some points to ponder I guess

Still have stuff stuck in my head :/ Apathetic? Not..

Anyway, since it's officially the 17th, Happy Birthday Pan Yu! (:

Discovered this on the weekend before the double papers during A's. Really awesome cover!!

Just a Dream (Christina Grimmie & Sam Tsui cover) -- Nelly

I was thinkin about you, thinkin about me
Thinkin about us, what we gonna be
Open my eyes...
It was only just a dream

So I travel back down that road
Wish you'd come back
No one knows
I realize, it was only just a dream

I was at the top, now its like i'm in the basement
Number 1 spot
Now you're finding a replacement
I swear now I cant take it
Knowing somebodys got my baby

Now you ain't around, baby I cant think
I should put it down, shoulda got that ring
Cuz i can still feel it in the air
See your pretty face, run my fingers through your hair

My lover, my life
My baby, my wife
You left me, i'm tight
Cuz i knew that it just aint right

I was thinkin about you, thinkin about me
Thinkin about us, where we gonna be
Open my eyes...
It was only just a dream

So I travel back down that road
Wish you'd come back
No one knows
I realize, it was only just a dream

And I be ridin, and I swear I see your face at every turn
I try to get my usher on but I cant let it burn
And I just hope that you notice you're the only one I yearn for
No more sooner will I learn
Didn't give her all my love
I guess now I got my payback
Now I'm in the club thinking all about my baby

Hey, you were so easy to love
But wait, I guess that love wasnt enough
I'm goin through it every time that I'm alone
Now I'm wishing she would just pick up the phone
But she made a decision that she wanted to move on
Cuz I was wrong

I was thinkin about you, thinkin about me
Thinkin about us, where we gonna be
Open my eyes...
It was only just a dream

So I travel back down that road
Wish you'd come back
No one knows
I realize, it was only just a dream

If you ever loved somebody put your hands up (x2)
And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything (x2)

I was thinkin about you, thinkin about me
Thinkin about us, where we gonna be
Open my eyes...
It was only just a dream

So I travel back down that road
Wish you come back,

No one knows
I realize, it was only just a dream

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Okay, shall finally update after so long. Quite a few things happened these 2 weeks, partially lazy/busy to blog then had a few days without stable internet -.- So yeah, at least it's alright now

So shall start with Grad Night on 6th Dec! Some of the guys came over and crashed. Everyone got changed and then we went over to Marriott. Everyone dressed up really nicely! Couldn't recognise some of the people initially, more so for the girls cause of the make up lol. Overall Grad Night was pretty fun. The emcee was damn epic. Lazy to elaborate much, refer to the pics on fb. Food was quite good, then Wei Shian got crowned Prom King! Wahahaha! Our plan worked! :D Spammed pics (definitely). Quite a few people went for post prom. Our gang walked around then ended up playing Lan at Scape for about 2 hours. CS and Dota (No Battleships sian) Got owned in Dota by Shian again omg. Can't Dota for nuts haha. After that we had a crazy idea and tried walking back to my house. Walked for about an hour or so I think. Then the last 2km or something we gave up then all cabbed back haha. Came back at 3:40am, so had Chin, JZ, Pan Yu, Nigel, Hong Zhi, Josh Ng, Shian, Wei Jian, Jaron and Zhong Xi in the house. Some joker decided to play Snakes on the Plane (cause of certain scenes -.-) Knocked out after a while then only woke up when everyone left haha. Our style of post prom was quite fun I guess, though maybe some day I'll try out clubbing, just to find out how it's like lol..

The next few days were mainly going for floorball trainings at RP. Thurs to Sat was Floorball senior's Farewell chalet at East Coast. Woke up late and didn't go for training -.- Met the rest at Dhoby then went down. Started with BBQ for me. Filled water bombs but didn't play in the end lol. Set up the fire using some aluminium trays lol, end up have one hole in one of them -.- Quite a lot of food and stuff. Tmd suay suay some sparks had to fly on to my toes. Ended up burnt and aggravated by my slippers -.- Talked a lot, then had some random stuff here and there. Prize giving plus pics. Thanks for the key chain guys! It's really nice! At night, cycled around, then walked here and there with people. Saw these really cute kittens on the way. Got everyone standing there admiring them for a bit haha. Went back and tried to sleep, but got woken up by the cold. Went for breakfast with some of the guys. After that went down to Parkway Parade to get cakes for Joanne. Tio jacked with one small one and a bigger one after that haha. Bought a new pair of slippers since some joker koped mine during the stayover from grad night lol. After that ended up playing Truth or Dare with JX's phone. Damn funny the stuff the occurred lol. Had Mahjong and some gambling also, followed by 'lunch' at Subway and then pool. Kim had to leave, followed by Joanne. Night cycling again, went all the way to Changi Coast Adventure Centre! Great memories man. Came back then knocked out lol. Drinking plan failed sian. Next morning played cards a bit then packed up and left. Lunched at Dhoby, then JX and I went to CCK to watch the Agape match. Chose the correct match to watch haha. Agape won 8-3, with the birthday girl scoring one too haha, nice present. One of the players scored like 3 or something, damn nice goals. And Agape had like what 4 people getting 2 min penalties -.- Almost wanted to laugh lol

Anyway, finally moved back to YCK! The move was on Friday actually so couldn't help that much. Unpacked and cleaned stuff. Saw past photo albums and got filled with nostalgia, though I can't remember most of the things in the pics (the last album was like in P6 or something). Saw pics of my maternal granddad and got a little sad :/

Anyway, so on Monday and Tuesday had the attachment with SPF itself. Monday was at the all the familiar HTA, went through what training command does and stuff. Never knew the trianing village existed in all the times we went to HTA lol. Damn interesting. Met another CI from D'08 called Qin Hui. So him, Darrell and myself were having fun talking about our CIBTC days haha. Met other pretty cool people in the group too. Tuesday was at Clementi Police Division, which helped us to understand better what actually goes on in a Land Division. Damn interesting, especially the portion about the lock up and stuff. A real eye opener. In that case, I guess I have a better understanding of what goes on in the SPF, considering to join as a career lol.

Today had a singing session with some floorball dudes, Joanne, Kimberly, JX, Jerrell, Jing Rong and Jason. Woke up late, like at 12:20pm by Jerrell's phone call -.- Stayed up to watch Ghost of Girlfriends Past cause I managed to get 4 new movies lol. Ended up couldn't wake up, and I was supposed togo down to CHS in the morning for BK -.- Went to Teo Heng at Amber road area. Sang till like 6pm, then had dinner with the guys before heading home.

Quite a lot of stuff in one post, can't think much already. Have been having some thoughts stuck in my head for the past few days, fuelled by songs and shows and whatever. Shall share them another time I guess. Last official floorball training of the year tomorrow. Might be the last on the whole too for me :/

From all the things that we are but are not saying. Can we see beyond the scars and make it till the dawn?

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail