Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hey all! Okay, came back on Sunday night. Last few days of the trip was quite fun. On Christmas we went to visit Mt Fuji. The view there is spectacular man! Loved it. Went to some outlet mall and stuff. Saw some of branded goods and stuff. Got a shock at the Armani shop. $2000 plus for a shirt?! Who in the world buys these things man! It's like wearing gold lol. Last 2 days was mainly walking around shopping districts and stuff in Tokyo. Didn't go for the theme park option. The last night, we went for some buffet sort, something similar to Seoul Garden kind. Tried the Kobe beef and Sake! Haha. Good stuff man. Came back on the A380 plane. It's damn cool!!!

Okay, 28th was a busy day. Went to CHS to talk to the NCOs about hike. Met Manfred, Shan Wei and Darren. Ended up my bag got locked in the store -.- Went home, then went out again for the Floorball outing. Dinner at Sakae Sushi, then we went to the rooftop of some place at Esplanade. Played some games there. Had a lot of fun with murderer and zhong ji mi mah haha. Of course, most people would say, epic moment of the night would be what Joanne and I had to do. See fb for details lol. Went to Macs with a few people before we went home. Went for class chalet after that. Arrived at like 1+am -.- Council was having their chalet too haha. Went for night cycling with the guys. Went around places. Though the furthest we got was Tampines mrt -.- Our breakfast and campwhoring at some places quite fun haha. Went back to chalet. Slept for 20 mins then went for Annual hike lol. Went to J8 with instructors, then joined 29th Batch for a while. Talk cock again damn fun haha. Went back to chalet after that. By the time I went there all the girls had gone save for Sarah -_- Damn fast sia haha. The 2 Mr Tans were there. Mr Tan is our maths teacher again next year!!! Woo!!! Night activity was basketball at Pasir Ris park haha. Damn fun. Jaron got injured though. Hope you'll recover soon dude. All of us crashed when we went back lol. Supposed to stay up to watch movie but we all ended up sleeping for 5 hours hahaha. Brunch at White Sands. Then JP, JZ and I had a very fun MRT ride haha. Saw Eugene and Warren at Plaza Sing lol. Came home and crashed till this morning lol.

Okay supposed to do reflections and stuff. This post is a little rushed though lol. Shall talk more soon I guess. One very important thing though.

Found out yesterday that Jimmy Sullivan, aka The Rev from Avenged Sevenfold passed away on Monday ): He was a damn good drummer and helped a lot in the band. Personally, his parts really made me love some of their songs. His drum beats and his supporting vocals in various songs, like A Little Piece of Heave, Critical Acclaim, Afterlife etc etc. He was a very important member of the band and like Wei Shian mentioned, I guess Avenged Sevenfold would never be the same without him. Quoting from Wei Shian again. He'll live on in his legacy of music he created with the band. As fans around, we'll all miss him and his music terribly ): Rest in Peace Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan.

One of the very first songs I heard from this band. The live version's spectacular. The supporting vocals from The Rev here really made me like that whole portion with the solo.

Afterlife -- Avenged Sevenfold

Friday, December 25, 2009

Okay, can't exactly send out smses as I would like to, so I'll do it here. May the cheer spread to all, hopefully there'll be no unhappiness as much as possible haha. High liao lol. Started spamming some people on msn haha. Thanks to those who sent messages. Love you people too!

Merry Christmas everyone (:

Happy Birthday Joel!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yeah! Finally managed to get internet! Guess this trip is really reminding me how dependant I am on the internet and communicating with people. Oh well.. Anyway, past 2 days have been kind of interesting. Visited the Atomic Bomb memorial and museum in Nagasaki. Reminds you how horrible war is and how you wish that nuclear weapons are never used man. Pretty insane power.. Visited a number of other places, such as Mount Aso, some active volcano, and some special hot springs which had different attractions (one had red soil and stuff and another spouted out water due to built up pressure) Took an overnight ferry last night from Beppu to Osaka. Cool experience lol. Today was mainly walking around places. And yes, it's still damn cold lol.

I really hate how some things had turned out. Thinking about them just makes me really really miserable and stuff.
I hate how we were really good friends and could talk anytime anywhere about anything, especially this year when our friendship strengthened much more than it had ever been for the past years. Then now, somehow, we seem to talk less, we aren't as close, I even feel a little weird talking already, like it just feels kind of cold.
I hate how we were pretty good friends at the start of the year, then with stuff that happened, awkwardness ensued and whatever other things that did, now we seem to be limited to one wave and one smile everytime we walk past.
I hate how we were close for a short period of time, studying together and motivating one another to do well for promos, once again, pretty good friends. Now, we're acting like as though we hardly know each other at all.
I hate how last year, I could always talk to you about anything anytime, how we helped one another and stuff. It was damn easy to hang out and stuff. Now, cause simply we're in different schools, everything has changed.
I hate how for those 3 weeks in December last year, we were like one big family. Now everyone has gone their seperate ways, myself included.
Guess one of my greatest wishes for Christmas and the new year, is for everything to come back to what they were. Some can't, some can. Yet, as people would say, you can't expect everything to just happen like that, you need to do something yourself. Very true. Some things happened as a result of my actions too, my fault meaning, others I don't know.. Here's the question. Where do I start? And most importantly, how do I go about this?

Another ranting area there. Been doing some reflections and stuff during the trip so far. Thinking about stuff here and there and how things have progressed over this entire year. At least I know what to put down for my new year resolutions I guess haha.

Anyway, just in case I'm unable to get internet on the 25th. Here's wishing a Merry Christmas to everyone (:

Song of the day: The River -- Good Charlotte

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time Flies

It's been a whole year since we passed out. Time flies. Happy Anniversary Charlie D'08! (:

Okay, it's kind of cold here. Thankful for the internet access here haha. Nothing really much today. Visited some sort of Holland-based econ park of some sort -_- A bit no link but oh well, just the start. Tomorrow sounds more interesting. Starting to miss home already lol, and the people back home of course. I'm missing loads of stuff this week man :(

And yeah I'm insane enough to be sounding the horn so often still, think I'm partially addicted already LOL! Side note, congrats to Jackson and Rui Jie for passing out of CIBTC (:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hey all, last wednesday went to school to do some work with Eugene and Sean. Evening met Jonathan and we went to Changi Airport to pick Eugene Sim up lol. Thankfully we managed to guess his flight correctly man. His family had gone over to settle everything before he came back. So we sort of went to his house, then last minute decided to stayover lol. Welcome back Eugene!!! His household's latest entertainment contraption is the Wii, nice lol. Rock Band 2 is quite fun lol. Went for pt the next morning. After training the floorball guys went out to play LAN. L4D2!! Damn fun and very challenging I must say. Of course, in versus mode playing the infected is always much more fun haha. Eugene, Leon and Jon went to the same place where we played LAN lol. Joined them for a while after that. Friday had court training cum friendly with VJ. Lost 9-1 I think zz... Still have a lot of room to improve, seems like our defence and stuff is back to square one. We need coach trainings man! Okay, but a good experience for everyone I guess, a lot to learn from that match. I can't play well when I pressure myself too much I realise =/ Improve! After the match, we went to celebrate Joanne's Birthday haha. Some seniors came also. Had the mini celebration at Pizza Hut. The gift that we got for her is damn funny. Fantasy pills, go figure lol. Talked cock and ate. Went to Eugene's house after that to meet the rest. Stoned quite a bit though =/ Saturday went to 313 and various places around Orchard with my Mum and brother to eat and look around. 313 looks cool man, so does Uniqlo lol.

On Sunday, went to Eugene's house for stayover. All of us (Boon Siang, Wai Yinn, Jon, Leon, Eugene, Benjamin and myself) went to 313's Din Tai Fung to eat a bit, then ate other stuff also LOL! After that we went back to his house and gave him a mini belated birthday celebration. Scene was damn funny. Smashed a plate of cream right into his face when he was making a wish HAHAHA!! Epic man. Should see the vid when Leon uploads it lol. Rest of the night was spent playing Halo and stuff. Damn fun. Great time spent with the clique :D Went for training from Eugene's house. Stickwork training for like 3 plus hours lol. Tuesday had court training. Woke up late and had to take a cab down =/ Damn expensive lah, sian... Training was so so. Went out to eat with some of the team plus seniors. Met Wei Qi, Emily and Jing Han at Northpoint after that. Bought stuff for the gathering. Gathering was epic fail, 4 people turned up haha. But it was quite fun nonetheless. Vic got owned haha. Refer to facebook for details. Thanks Emily for organising. Hope we can have another one in future, with a greater turn-out haha.

Wednesday was games day with seniors. Still, a lot of stuff to work on lol. Thursday morning was supposed to have pt. But it was a rainy day, after 30 crunches all of us gave up haha. EPIC FAIL! So we decided to try doing homework, which was quite successful, in a way. L4D2 in the afternoon! LOL! Friday morning had training again, came home and slept lol. Today, went out with Zi Kai for a while to look around Bugis.

Okay, going off to Japan soon for holiday, explains why this post is a little rushed lol. I know I'm supposed to be excited about it but I'm a little apprehensive about it. Probably cause I'm leaving behind some things and missing stuff oh well. Think I'm nuts. Anyway, will miss everyone! Hopefully I'll be able to gain access to the internet there lol. Bye people! (:

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Let's slow down, take a step back, before everything beautiful disappears

Okay training today was a huge flop for me. Couldn't do anything for nuts =/ Drills were probably still okay but once we started a mini 5v5 match I screwed up like shit. Couldn't hold the ball, couldn't control, couldn't pass, couldn't shoot. Gah, sucked. No idea what happened to me today, really need to improve my skills. Sorry people ): Lunch then went to school with Joanne and Amelia for walk-in prac. Did part of the dance, easy part from what I understand. At least I managed to grasp most of it, seeing that I really can't grasp much of dancing lol. Went to join Zi Kai and gang at Burger Shack and then Island Cremery. Yang Sheng's going back to China for good soon, so well, last few times to meet him. All the best and take care man!

I was often told that if I wanted to learn new things, it's important to go in with an open mind, only then will you be receptive to new info. This was especially emphasized during D'08 last year. Now I find myself in a situation relating to this concept. While thinking today I realised that the person supposedly mentoring me abot something is also just as important as my own mind, for me at least. For example, if I have utterly no respect for this person, I would probably just turn off from whatever he/she might be saying irregardless of how constructive the advice actually is. Of course, many would say that it is still partially our mind telling us not to listen to whatever is coming our way, which is true. How else have people learned and gained new knowledge even from people whom they probably utterly disliked or hated? So yeah, guess maybe I need to tune my mind a bit, especially during this period where I need to learn a lot, in terms of my skills and stuff. Oh well, learning point here.

Okay, guess I'm done, can't remember what else I have to say lol. Eugene is coming back tomorrow night!!! Can't wait haha. Also, I'm missing squad chalet, Charlie gathering and area chalet.. Nooo ):

Happy Birthday Alvin!!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time

Okay, I kept my promise that I would attempt homework today. Morning went to CHS for a while. Meet Soon Kiang to take his stuff lol. Went to school in the afternoon. Tried the NYJC promo paper for maths. Gosh I'm seriously very rusty, took me quite a while to complete, okay rather try the paper lol. Attempted almost all of the questions at least. For one of the very rare times, I was actually in a very serene environment doing my own stuff (Okay, ignoring the construction and stuff around me) Met practically none of my friends in school, save for Erin, Zhong Xi and Eugene Teo lol, but didn't really talk much. Okay Erin maybe. Good luck for your performances! Did some self training for pt and stickwork after doing maths. There's a shortage of leftie sticks in the store man!! Used one of the sticks left over by some of the seniors. The flex is like 32 and I could really feel the whole thing bending when I tried to flex it for a drag 0.0 Thankful for my 23 flex Skylight then haha.

Somehow I've been thinking about a lot of stuff today. I even started listening to the many other songs I don't usually listen to on my ipod lol. Thought about how stuff's going to be like, when everything ends. Okay not really emoing or anything, just deep in thought. Shan't bother to explain what I'm feeling, don't know how to type it anyway, you might get an idea along the way. In this short time left, what do we do? 4-10 is a memory, CHS is a memory, Charlie D'08 is a memory. Soon floorball will be a memory too. So will JC life, which has been pretty eventful so far. Guess the most important thing that I'll treasure is that friendships that I've made. Not sure what others would see me as, but I'll treasure all my friends (: Of course, as people say, don't be too caught up worrying about the future that you forget to live the present. Think I heard this from show before lol. So well, Seize the Day! Cherish the memories, embrace the present (:

Song of the day: Seize the Day -- Avenged Sevenfold

One of my favourite songs by this band. Very meaningful lyrics that makes you think about stuff and a very nice soloas well. It's not some heavy song that people would imagine it to be, so yeah. Enjoy!

Seize the day or die
Regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here,
Too many people to ache over

I see my vision burn,
I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
These streets we travel on
Will undergo our same lost past

I found you here,
Now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around
I hand you my mortal life,
But will it be forever?

I'd do anything for a smile,
Holding you 'til our time is done
We both know the day will come,
But I don't want to leave you

I see my vision burn,
I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
A melody, a memory,
Or just one picture

Seize the day or die
Regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here,
Too many people to ache over

Newborn life replacing all of us,
Changing this fable we live in
No longer needed here
So where do we go?

Will you take a journey tonight,
Follow me past the walls of death?
But girl, what if there is no eternal life?

I see my vision burn,
I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
A melody, a memory, or just one picture

Seize the day or die
Regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here,
Too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here,
Don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

So, what if I never hold you, yeah,
Or kiss your lips again?
Woooaaah, so I never want to leave you
And the memories of us to see
I beg don't leave me

Seize the day or die
Regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here,
Too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here,
Don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day
Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day

I stand here alone
Falling away from you,
No chance to get back home

I stand here alone
Falling away from you,
No chance to get back home

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Okay I should update this place lol. Ok, 21st November went to look/buy fb stuff with Warren and Yong Le. Went tfor Joseph's birthday party after that. Sunday, 4-10 gathering! Ate at Sakura, talked cock and stuff then went to paradise to play lan lol. L4D! Haha. Week that followed was spent planning stuff for fb. Games Day on 26th. Damn fun haha. Went to watch New Moon with Warren, Shaun, Joanne, Yuxian, Kimberly and Denise after that lol. 28th and 29th Nov was the U19 mini league. Well, we got owned, badly lol. Lost all 6 of our matches over the 2 days ): But of course, we managed to go away with very important lessons. Since we were the only idiots there who had no one to help us, we came up with our own stuff. And I'm very glad on how we progressed and learnt how to defend and stuff. Good job guys (: Accidentally lost my temper a bit on the first day during one of the matches. Well, long story, but those who played would understand the frustration that we were put through. Oh well. Jun Xiang scored one, Kian Ann two, I scored three lol. Need to train running shots man! Want to try slap shots too!! Overall, good learning experience for everyone (: Believe it or not, right after everything on Day two, all of us went to the gym to work out lol. Everyone's gym crazy at the moment lol. Oh yeah, just remembered that I changed my blade too. Changed to an Evo 3 blade, hopefully it'll help a bit in my play :D

28th Nov was also the 4A gathering. Didn't attent much of it cause of the comp. Managed to see some people at least haha. Monday went to CHS before doing dunno what, forgot liao lol.

Training on Tuesday. Can't believe I mixed up the dates of annual camp lol =/ Annual Camp from 2nd to 4th Dec. Main event was the night hike from Kallang Leisure Centre back to CHS. Walked with one of the groups. Met John and Jingyan seniors at Citylink mall. Met some of the council people at Plaza Singapura LOL!! Reached back to CHS at about 2am. Went home first cause of training the next morning. Took a cab home at 4am lol. Expensive sia =/ Wasn't supposed to sleep since there wasn't time left, ended up doing so after bathing, hence missing training as a result -.- Sorry team =/ Was described as "not responsible enough to inform people that I wasn't going for training" -.- Wth zzz... Can't be bothered to talk about some people. Never mind, mood spoilers.. Met Warren, Joanne and Amelia in school. Then Seniors' farewell started at about 4pm! Started off with amazing race part, then food and other stuff at The Florida. Had a damn fun evening. Food, talk cock, throwing water bombs and people into the pool lol. Had a great evening lol. A big thanks to the seniors for all they've done for this year. Thanks loads (:
Saturday, in the evening went to watch the Indian dance com at Singapore Poly. NJID won first! Congrats! (: Had loads of fun talking cock with Edmund, Gabriel, Jeremy Tan and Gan lol. Dinner at J8 subway after that. Today, went to play basketball with Chin, Youen, JP, Panyu, Rayson and Jaron. Quoted from Youen, a temporary escape from reality lol.

I realised I've been mousehunting a lot these few days haha. Trying to catch whatever I can lol. Shall post thoughts another time I guess.

Happy Belated Birthday Khai Soon!
Happy Belated Birthday Jaron!
Happy Birthday Rui Jie!

Some pics!
Group Honey!! With our instructor Hadi (:

Jing Han, Me, Wei Qi Okay, this is a very random pic. Shan't explain the pose. Just treat it as though we're extremely bored people haha
Junior Team!
Who would you play for?
I play for him
I play for her
I play for NJ Floorball!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Fed up with all this


How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail