Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hi everyone... Haven't been blogging for a while and many events have passed by in the last few days... Expect this post to be pretty long... So backtracking to last week... Bio MCQ was the last paper... At 9am, we had finally finished the O levels!!! After that, went to J8 to walk around and grab a bite... Saw Chorlin there... Then a bunch of us went to Eugene Sim's house to stone around/play for a while... Played pokemon with Boon Siang, got owned by the explosion move... Haha... Then we went to the Yio Chu Kang outlet of Sakura... Didn't want to eat there initially, but I got persuaded in the end... The spread was pretty good, of course, the food was nice too... Wei Jie came damn late, like 1 hour plus after we started? After that, came home, played DW5 for a while before going for grad night...

Met Zikai at about 5+pm, then met Wei Rong and Edmund at YCK mrt... After looking at them I realised I was damn underdressed... Haha... Long pants plus a short-sleeved shirt... Many wore long sleeved ones... Oh well... I found Wei Rong's attire damn nice... Haha... Took the train to City Hall, met members of 29th Batch, then went to Marina Mandarin... We found a table, sat down then talked cock for a while... Boon Siang, Leon and the rest had trouble finding some seats, though they did manage to in the end... On the whole, grad night was really fun, food was so so I guess, the entertainment was pretty cool... Lot's of photos taken... Grad night was in a sense the last event whereby we would see each other before we seperate... So well... Thanks, to all the people whom I've met over these few years, thanks for everything, thanks for the memories... Keep in touch =) After grad night, went to Eugene's house for a while to supposedly discuss the next day's outing... The rest were staying over at his house... Caught the last train home, saw something like a transvestite on the train, like everybody was looking cause he/she was like walking along the train carriages... Damn scary....

Last Friday, was supposed to go bowling with the rest, but they cancelled out in the end cause they wanted to play LAN, so didn't go in the end... Stoned at home and played dynasty warriors 5 for like the whole afternoon... At about 10 plus, headed towards school for annual camp... Met Chun Hui and Ian Ee at YCK... Apparently they had just finished their grad night then... Met Terence, went to school to help out in Annual Camp, although we didn't do much... Got ganged during the wet activities on the second day... 30th Batch all find water bombs all shoot me, especially people like Rui Jie and Xavier... Haha... They even used some damn dirty water for some bombs to shoot me... Jokers... Super wet by the end of the activities... Durong the demo for the last station, all the Sec 3s also gang me again... In the end, got hit (some pretty painfully) in the head, specs, back, ear, sides... Think I was the wettest guy there? Haha... After that went to celebrate my brother's birthday with some dinner... Went to the hotel at Changi Airport with family members... After that, took a damn long train ride back to Bishan... Missed the campfire event... =( Night activities came after that... Last day, saw the last part of the Ironman competition... Then the last acitivity of the camp was this game called "Goodoo goodoo", something which Siming sir introduced to us... It was a pretty fun game... However, quite a number of injuries resulted, Dennis' injuries seemed to be the worst... Camp ended... Got a ride in Siming sir's new car... Went to J8 for lunch... Big thanks to Siming sir for the lunch treat! Came home after that... Went to the community centre near my home to check out something... Had a pleasant surprise... Bumped into a certain someone... Then while walking back home from the cc, dunno whether it was me or something, my legs started feeling shaky... Fatigue? Or something else?

Monday morning, met Terence and headed to HTA for uniform collection... Couldn't get the things because I had not done my medical checkup... Ended up going to some clinic in Chua Chu Kang for my checkup... Then had to come home to get my health booklet, needed to get some date for some injection thingy... Finally went back to HTA for the afternoon slot... Quite a lot of stuff taken, some briefing of a number of matters... After that, finally finished... Quite a number of scoldings had taken place along the whole 4 hours or so? Anyway, let's just say it had been a very long day for me... Guess I shan't say some of the things that happened... Finally managed to drag myself home with the whole bunch of stuff that we were issued... Tuesday, went to find HDB hub to find someone to settle something, ended up having to go back to school to find Mr Goh... Finally settled my forms, went to army market... Managed to get most of my stuff... Then quickly went home, packed up and went for chalet...

Reached Coasta Sands resort at about 7+pm... Did quite a bit of stuff during the whole chalet... Stayed up to play cards, play a bit of xbox, bowling, cycling and other random stuff... Even went to Macs to stone in the morning... Some were pretty fun... Guess the chalet was fun to a certain extent... Guess oen of the main problems that occurred in the event was that some people flared up, for one reason or another... Then well, I admit that Mr Thomas and Mr Quay weren't exactly treated with the proper hospitality... Then, many a times there was a lot of segregation in the class, as what someone had told me just now... It was very "clique-ish"... Maybe some people were right in a sense that maybe a barbeque was important... Ah well... In future, perhaps we would just have gatherings maybe? Chalet stay overs might be a bit hard... Nonetheless,I had enjoyed myself, I hope most people did too... Hope we can have a gathering some time soon... And yes, 4-10 still rocks... =)

Leaving for Turkey tonight... Why we ended up going there don't ask me... Perhaps it's because of me, resulting in my parents having some restrictions for the time span of our holiday... Ah well... Will miss everyone... Back on 29th November... Take care everyone! I'll post grad night photos some later perhaps... =)

One of my favourite songs at the moment...

Always Be My Baby -- David Cook (Original version by Mariah Carey)

Always Be My Baby (Studio) - David Cook

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today was Chem MCQ... Slightly more challenging I guess? Got stuck every now and then... Ah well... Think I did ok? Went library for a while, with Jon, Evan, Alvin, Eugene, Charlton and Julian... Went for tuition at about 12:30pm... Still ended up late anyway... -.- Last lesson, it went by quite quickly, ah well... At least I had company, of 2 Bio students as well... Haha... Reflection another time bah... After that, went back to the library, joined Charlton and Springsfield... Did Bio till like 7+pm (with quiute a bit of slacking in between of course) then came home...

Most people would have ended their exams today for those in CHS... Congrats... Will be joining you tomorrow! Haha.... The cheering in the hall seemed a bit muffled, maybe because I was at the end whereby most would not have finished yet... Haha... Ah well... A few more hours!!! After that, grad night! This weekend also seems to be really packed too... Then again, I seem to be really free only after 20th December... Haha...


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Terence and Tian Ming sir!!!

Ah well... Today, nothing much... Morning went for tuition, got suanned by some people cause of Bio... Haha... After that went to J8, had lunch with Evan, then did Chem (and some Bio too) with him, Jon, and Boon Siang... Jon left for tuition while Evan went to work out at the gym (oh wow).... We finally found a table at like 4+pm... Saw Charlton, Springsfield and Ying Shiang... Did more work.... At about 7++pm, went to Eugene's house to get something... Then on the way back, talk about suay-ness... I was like half suanning Boon Siang with "Enjoy doing your 22 papers of MCQ"... Then almost immediately after saying that, I walked into a metal pillar... -.- Justifies the saying "What goes around, comes around".... Haha....

Chemistry tomorrow! Second last paper!!!!! I can't imagine the state of the hall tomorrow, since it's the last paper for most tomorrow... Ah well...

And yes, I was pretty nervous...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hey people... As of now, there's 2 more papers left!!! Backtrack to last week... Thursday was human Geography... Think I did much better than I did for Physical Geog... Woohoo!!! Hopefully it'll be able to save my Geog score... Lit was also pretty ok... Wrote a 3 odd page essay for my TKAMB question, which was about Dolphus Raymond talking about the "hell that people give other people".... Chose the prose for unseen... Not for very confident for it though... Not sure if I had answered to the point... Overall, hope it'll pull up my Combined Humans score... After that, bumped into Daren and Manfred... Daren had written the wrong question number for his paper... Haha... Then accompanied them to J8, chatted with the rest of them, Leonard Chong, Eugene, Jerold, Charlton... Damn funny seeing Eugene and Leonard getting suanned... Haha... Then the whole lot of them went to Leonard's house to play, then I went to the library with Boon Siang and Jonathan... -.- Weekend was nothing much, library again here and there plus tuition...

Today was Physics paper 1... Think I did ok for it... After that went to J8 for breakfast... Ate at subway with Jon, Wai Yinn and Eugene... Ok, rather I was the only one eating since I didn't have breakfast... Then, coincidentally, bumped into Yanlin, who was eating with her friends there... Haha... Small world huh... Ah well... After that walked around J8 a bit, then went to the library with Julian, Eugene Ang and Charlton... Lunch at Food Junction, burned my finger a bit... Saw Hanwen, Ruimin and some other person whom I'm not familiar with... After lunch, walked around again, saw Mr Ang, Miss Chow and Mr Ng Weiliang... Then finally ended up at Eugene Sim's house... Only Jon and I went though... Played a bit, did some work, then came home...

Ah well, just two more papers left... Wednesday and Thursday... Nearly there... And Nathan still has not paid up for his English books... How to pay the bookshop like that?? Also, Manfred Lum for pete's sake please take care of yourself!!!

Bye people

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Ok, haven't really blogged in a while... Updates for some things.... Last week, had Physics, E. Maths paper 2 and Biology.... Physics was pretty tough I guess... I managed to guess the wavelength of x rays.... Haha... And there was absolutely nothing on electromagnetic induction... -.- E. Maths was err so so I guess... And I found that I had made careless mistakes again... -.- Always kill myself this way... Zzz... Was damn happy for Biology... Could do everything, and there was nothing on cell division and molecular genetics, which were the new topics of the new syllabus and we were sure that it would have come out... Then Manfred got suanned.... Haha... Then after that we had to sort of clear up the class... A little bit of frustration here, cause for one thing, the classroom was seriously filthy, with the four corners literally full of trash, yet almost no one helped... -.- Big thanks to Alvin who helped me out quite a bit, and Charlton for some help as well... Thanks a lot, all those who just stood there and discussed the paper only... -.- Haiz... As usual, Chairmen are really sai kang warriors... Spent like half my weekend at the library... Saw some of the Sec 3s at J8 on Saturday... Congrats for clinching the first position for air rifle... =) Can't remember the results of the other games... Oh well... Yup, wish them a successful annual camp as well, which is next weekend I think?

Yesterday was S.S... The SEQ portion rocked for one thing... Iraq came out! My favourite topic... The one that I was the best in too... Haha... However, SBQ, blanked out, panicked, didn't understand the sources... Bombed it totally... First time I had actually teared for an O level paper I admit... Screwed up totally... Haiz... No more humanities left to bank on already, since I already screwed up my physical Geography very badly... How? Anyway, thanks a lot to Jerold, Manfred and Daren for the sms-es... Really appreciate your concern... =)

Oh yah, then after Maths last friday, we had a 29th Batch lunch at pastamania... 16 people I think? Damn cool... Then today, after going to school for a while, joined some people from 29th Batch again at Pastamania at J8, didn't though... Sudden craze for Pastamania? Haha... Went to the library again after that... Then something damn suay happened to me... Somehow ended up getting some sticky sweet thingy stuck on my file, book and some of my notes... -.- Who the heck put the sweet thingy in the chair?! (the portion between the handrest and the cushion seat) Saw Mr Ling in the library, who could surprisingly still remember me... Haha...

Also, I finally realised what it meant to play the piano as a form of relaxation... Ok, some people might be surprised that I can play the piano... Well anyway, in the past, never understood why piano was meant to be a form of "relaxation"... Then realised that it's only relaxing when you spontaneously want to play it... True, over the course of the past 2 and a half weeks, I found myself at the piano playing some random tunes here and there... After the O levels I guess I'll try out some new scores... I realised there are a lot of things I want to do after the exams... Too bad a large portion of my holidays is already burnt... Make good use of my time I guess...

Ah well, better go pia a bit of Geography soon... All the best to those taking Chinese and Higher Chinese tomorrow... Best wishes to the Sec 3s taking Chinese too...

Happy Belated Birthday Zikai (31st October), Tong Yang (1st November), Thomas (2nd November) and Jerold (3rd November)!

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail