Thursday, March 12, 2009

This post is for a very special person:


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yay, blogging again (This place is kind of dead ><) Ok, anyway, Saturday, went back to for training at CHS... My kiwi was screwed, resulting in quite crappy boots and crappy belt... Partially braindead there, stoned a lot... Went to J8 for lunch with Sms after training... Met Terence and Sylvia there, talked for while with Terence... Ate at Subway... Came home after that... Was too tired and ended up sleeping at like 6+pm? Haha... Sunday was nothing much as usual... Monday, got back Maths test... Score: 2/10... Lowest in the whole class... Smart... -.- Probably one of my first times failing a Maths test.... Zzzz... Dejected >.< Afternoon did homework at oasis with ZM... Quite a cold afternoon, though we should have that kind of weather once in a while... Tuesday, team went down to some shop at Kallang with the seniors to check out the floorball sticks... Took quite some time to decide whether to buy from there, did so in the end... Got a unihoc Skylight S9 (: Can't really remember what happened in the other days though... Haha...

Some thoughts... I seem to be caught in that vicious cycle, something similar to what I had gone through in Sec 3... Felt totally no motivation to study and stuff... Like right now, I just seem to be passing time... Like what a friend said, I need to find my resolve... Hope that I'll be able to use the so called March holidays to catch up and not make the same mistakes I made in Sec 3... If not, I'll just be on a one way street to getting retained... Zzz... Another certain thing, I tend to do this thing when I'm sort of not supposed to, what am I doing? Haiz... JC life is seriously hectic, it's like so focused on the academic side... I seriously hate it -.- Then again, it's cause of this that I'm sort of lagging behind by quite a bit... Haiz... Oh and another point, I just can't seem to get enough rest, despite sleeping like before 12am (which is usually an achievement)... Oh well...

Let's see how things go I guess...

Anyway, today's a special day!

I wish all those going to Maldives for the OCIP a safe trip!

The greatest barrier that needs to be overcome is myself

Friday, March 06, 2009

Hey all, end of the week again... Think I'll start from Road Run.... Road Run was on Saturday... Route was kind of ok I guess, except for the slope part... There was a Milo truck engaged for the event... Haha... Cold one somemore... Yay... Did lot's of random stuff here and there during the whole event, like cheering people on etc... I love our class' guys man... Practically all the house cheers and stuff were first supported by us... Haha... The high-ness was damn cool... After road run, went to coronation plaza to have lunch with the OG clique plus squash people!! More random stuff happened... Aaron is a new star man!! The vids were damn cool and highly entertaining... Haha... Credits to Xavier for shooting them! After that, accompanied the whole lot of squash people to Queensway... They were looking for raquets and court shoes... Looked around at random stuff here and there... Was trying to hide from Jingying at times... Haha... And I met Pan Shin and Hongliang!!! It's so nice meeting friends you've not met in some time! Suddenly thought of Charlie... Haha... 3 of us plus Porlin crapped for a while... Then went to join the others at Macs... Left there were 6 of us... Aaron, Yicen, Zhao Ming, Jia Sheng, Porlin and myself... We ate and talked there for damn long... Crapping about all sorts of stuff... There was also a kind of sharing session, a bit of trashing maybe... Thanks Yicen, Zhao Ming and Aaron (mainly them) for the feedback!! I WILL be a happier person!! =D Think we had a record... We spent almost 5 hours at Macs, 6 hours at Queesway shopping centre itself... 0.0 Nevertheless, had an eventful and meaningful day =D

Monday, went for the council dialogue thingy... Then finally decided on my CCA... Floorball!! Oh yeah... Discovered yesterday that Yanlin's also in floorball, though different school.. Haha... Floorball!!! PE lessons have been loads of running so far... Height and weight were taken on Wednesday... I WANT TO GROW TALLER!!! Wednesday's Chinese was writing a compo... Needless to say, my Chinese is totally crap now... Couldn't express a lot of stuff... Zzz... Must improve!! Thursday morning had pt for floorball... Haven't done push-ups in some time -.- My arms are aching now... Never mind, good training... Haha... Got marked by my Chinese teacher cause I was like the only guy who didn't hand up my compo by the deadline... Zzz... Stayed back in school to do homework... Took a bus home with WS, YC and ZM... Today, didn't understand a single thing that was taught during Chem... Arrgghh!! Chinese was just passing time -.- Saw the release of the A Level results... Guess we experienced something like that about 1 and a half months ago... The school did quite ok I think? Didn't really listen to everything... Submitted the council application form also... Am I making a right move?? Went for floorball training after that... Came home, suddenly feeling super exhausted... Has the whole week's lack of sleep finally caught up? Haha...

Ok, guess I'll leave the thoughts and stuff to the next post... Can't think anymore...

Happy Belated Birthday Leon!!!

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail